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Russian President Dmitry Medvedev: Dear Mr Kissinger!
In recent years we have established a nice tradition by meeting with you as one of the best known and most respected experts in the field of international relations, including Russian-American relations.
Today these relations are certainly not at the highest point of their development, they have seen better days. But we do feel optimistic and hopeful that these relations will evolve, and that the new U.S. administration will give these relations a new impetus.
In this regard, I think we can discuss the development of Russian-American dialogue and the international situation in general, subjects to which you have devoted your whole life.
It is a great honour to be here and to renew my acquaintance with you.
I have been dealing with various aspects of Russian-American relations for almost 50 years. Sometimes relations between our two countries have been difficult, sometimes slightly better.
And when I think about these issues and the ups and downs in our relationship, I inevitably come to the same conclusion, that the destiny of our countries, the destiny of America and the destiny of Russia have always been inextricably linked. And we can greatly contribute to the establishment and maintenance of peace and progress throughout the world. In fact, our cooperation is a crucial and integral element of peace and development throughout the world.
You know, the way events have gone you are a new President, but at the same time you are already an established President, already a mature President. As you are aware, I supported another candidate in the presidential race in the United States, but I have publicly stated that the success of the new administration will be crucial for our country and for the world. And I have said that I will provide the administration with all the assistance and support that I can.
Of course, I am in contact with leading representatives of the new administration. Of course, I am only speaking for myself but I am absolutely convinced that we need to try, we need to make the attempt to significantly improve our relations.
A ”Council of the Wise“ has apparently been established on the U.S. side, and it contains representatives of both parties in the United States. And we both know that the Russian part of the group is also set on a constructive dialogue aimed at the future.
December 12, 2008, Gorki, Moscow Region