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Official website of the President of Russia

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Beginning of the Working Meeting with FSB Director Nikolai Patrushev and Prosecutor-General Yury Chaika

August 27, 2007, Novo-Ogaryovo

President Vladimir Putin: We will begin our meeting by discussing how the investigation into the act of terror on the Oktyabrskaya railway line is proceeding.

The case is being investigated by the transportation prosecutor’s office and the Federal Security Services are providing operational support.

How is work proceeding?

Fsb Director Nikolai Patrushev: In order to use the forces we have as efficiently and as rationally as possible, in particular with respect to providing operational support, and conducting expert investigations into the crime – something that was initiated at the National Antiterrorist Committee session held on August 14 – we have adjusted our work accordingly.

On 24 August 2007 we held a session of the Federal Operational Headquarters and examined the preliminary results. We found interesting, useful information. We evaluated this information and have allocated our forces so as to make the best use of this information.

I believe that this will allow us to accomplish the tasks that face us in this first stage. Moreover, we made certain adjustments to procedures that had been developed immediately after the criminal act was initiated. We did this in light of the fact that specialists have now provided us with preliminary data and as a result of the information we have accumulated.

Vladimir Putin: I would ask the leadership of the FSB and Prosecutor-General’s office to retain control of this investigation and to regularly report on how the investigation is proceeding.

(Turning to Yury Chaika.) Yury Yakovlevich, you had planned to report on the investigation into a number of major crimes.

Prosecutor-General Yury Chaika: I would like to report on the investigation conducted by my office into a number of major crimes committed in Moscow and other regions.

I have reported to you regularly on the criminal investigation in St Petersburg involving an organized criminal community that had intended to raid and seize more than 44 enterprises. This initiated the investigation.

To date 32 people have been arrested in connection with this affair. The prosecution presented 76. 15 of those arrested have already been imprisoned. Today 18 prisoners are becoming familiar with the materials of this criminal case.

We have made important progress in the inquiry into the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya. To date 10 people have been arrested in connection with this crime. They will be charged for this offence in the very near future.

August 27, 2007, Novo-Ogaryovo