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Official website of the President of Russia

Transcripts   /

Address to the Nation

February 29, 2008, Television broadcast

President Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia,

Next Sunday, March 2, an important political event will take place – the election of our country’s President.

Three months ago, we elected a new parliament and it is now actively at work. The day after tomorrow, we will vote for a new President. This is the second and decisive stage that will complete the process of renewing our country’s highest political authority.

Russia’s advance must not be allowed to stop, and the changes for the better must continue. It is for this reason that we have set such large and complex tasks for the coming years.

How can we reach these goals better and faster? Who will bring real benefit to millions of people, to all the citizens of our great country, as head of state?

Each of you now has the chance to answer these questions for yourselves and make your own conscious choice in the presidential election.

Dear friends,

We are all very much aware of the great role and responsibility that lie on the head of a country like Russia. We all realise how important it is to have the public’s trust, how essential this is for being able to work effectively and confidently as President and for maintaining stability in the country.

The vote of each and every one of you is therefore important on March 2. The opinion of each and every one of you matters.

I call on you to take part in the election on Sunday and to vote for our future.

For Russia’s future.

February 29, 2008, Television broadcast