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Official website of the President of Russia

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Speech at Reception celebrating Border Guards Day

May 28, 2008, The Kremlin, Moscow

President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev: Comrades, friends,

It is my pleasure to congratulate you on Border Guards Day and on this significant anniversary – 90 years since the Border Guards were founded.

Today we pay our respects to the heroism and courage of the many generations who have defended our country’s borders. I want to speak the very warmest words on this occasion and express my gratitude to all the veterans present here today.

Our people have never forgotten the courage of the heroes of the Brest Fortress and the soldiers in the Caucasus border detachments and at the border posts of the Far East.

We are proud of the fearlessness of those who in times of peace carry out their difficult military duty, keeping watch over the most difficult and dangerous areas. Today, the borders are the front line, essentially. This is where our country’s ability to defend its national interests and protect its citizens, economy and cultural heritage from numerous threats is put to the test.

Much has been done over these last years to strengthen the border guards system. Young professionals are now joining the service. Active work is underway to develop a truly modern border infrastructure.

Russia’s borders should be open for business cooperation and for developing friendly trans-border contacts, but they must be firmly sealed to terrorists, transnational crime and drugs trafficking, and to anyone seeking to seize our marine and biological resources.

We are well aware that service on the border, especially in remote parts of the country, is one of the most difficult jobs in term of the duties entailed and the conditions in which they are performed. True professionals have always worked here, people who know how to keep their calm in exceptional situations.

I am firmly confident that the service’s personnel will continue to carry out their duties just as worthily.

I wish you success in your difficult and very important work for the good of Russia and its people.

Happy holiday!

May 28, 2008, The Kremlin, Moscow