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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with students from Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NArFU)

June 9, 2014

Completing his trip to Arkhangelsk Region, the President met with students from Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NArFU).

The University was established by the Presidential Executive Order of October 21, 2009. NArFU trains experts for the exploration and development of northern territories in engineering, technical, mathematics, natural sciences and humanitarian fields. NArFU is partnered with over 100 international organisations, including educational institutions, research centres and businesses.

* * *

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good evening,

Since we have come to Arkhangelsk, I wanted to meet you, talk to you and hear you out, to find out how you are doing, and to congratulate you on the university’s fourth birthday – it was its four-year anniversary yesterday.

A great deal of work had been done to collect an enormous amount of creative and intellectual potential into one great university family. All things considered, the work was not in vain. The region has received a very good, competitive university, as it’s popular to say nowadays, a multidisciplinary higher education institution working for the benefit of our nation and the region. After all, you have everything necessary for the region in terms of training.

I just met with the heads of various companies working in the region and in Arkhangelsk. Some of them were talking about the need to train staff in their sectors and directly stated that they are willing and ready to participate in this joint work, which is crucial to them. This also has immense importance and value for the nation overall.

You have foreign as well as Russian students, in addition to foreign faculty members. All this indicates that there is growing interest in the region, particularly the Arctic region, and that interest will continue to increase. In this regard, your work – scientific and creative work, the work of training experts – is in very high demand.

I will end here. I want to listen to you, to talk to you and to exchange views with you.


June 9, 2014