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Official website of the President of Russia

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Speeches by President Dmitry Medvedev and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov at the Opening of a KamAZ Service Centre

July 5, 2008, Ashgabat

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov: Dear friends!

Today, we are opening a facility that symbolises a new level of friendship and cooperation between Turkmenistan and Russia, and which will serve as a noble undertaking in creating new life in Turkmenistan: building cities and towns, roads, bridges and irrigation canals.

Actually, this has already become something of a tradition: when the President of Russia comes to visit, we formally lay the cornerstone for a new installation, or attend its formal opening. We must maintain this tradition and make sure that it prospers.

It has been just over one year since we laid the foundations for this KamAZ training and service centre, and today we can see what splendid job our experts have done. In this regard, I would like to thank the leadership of the Russian Federation, especially you Dmitry Anatolyevich, President of the Republic of Tatarstan Mintimer Sharipovich Shaimiev, and the KamAZ leadership for supporting the creation of this important facility, as well as all those who took part in the construction of the centre.

KamAZ is one of our main partners, whose products are in demand and whose brand is a success in Turkmenistan. Cars made by this well-known brand comply with the highest standards and requirements for such technology, including those of our climatic conditions. Quite frankly, I sometimes get behind the wheel of a KamAZ machine and I consider them to be very beautiful and powerful machines who can accomplish a great deal.

In light of the number of KamAZ vehicles that are purchased, I think that in the future this centre will expand and we will create a network of repair and service cars, as well as supply their spare parts. We consider it very important that this centre will specialise in training specialists in Turkmenistan, the repairmen and drivers of future vehicles.

In sum, KamAZ in Turkmenistan has a wide range of possible activities, especially considering that we have created the most favourable conditions for our foreign partners. To take full advantage of these opportunities for our mutual benefit is consistent with the interests of both our states.

President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev: Dear Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich, dear friends!

For my part, I am glad to be able to congratulate all of you on this landmark event. In just one year you have managed to accomplish a great deal – to create the largest KamAZ service centre in the region. I would like to wish success to all those who participated in this project and, of course, to those who will start working here very soon.

The President of Turkmenistan just said that the KamAZ brand is known throughout the world. Of course, I am very pleased to hear that. It is well-known in Turkmenistan. Moreover, it is in great demand in your dynamic republic. And I very much hope that following the contract to supply 2500 trucks, newer and even larger contracts will appear.

The opening of the centre represents a major impetus to expanding cooperative ties between our countries. For example, just recently when visiting Tatarstan, Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich visited KamAZ headquarters and was satisfied that our car manufacturer is operating and working well. And, of course, we expect the outcome of this visit to be even closer interaction with Russian regions and bilateral cooperation between our countries generally.

There is no doubt that we have great prospects ahead of us, especially in trade and economic spheres, in the joint exploitation of natural resources, and in the cultural and educational spheres. And I would like to specially emphasise that Russia is always open to a meaningful and committed partnership like the one we have with our close friend and neighbour Turkmenistan.

July 5, 2008, Ashgabat