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President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev: We talked yesterday about the accident which occurred in Ulyanovsk and agreed that we would touch base again today. I decided to use a video link-up which I always have with me.
Mr Tsalikov, on my behalf please thank all the fire brigades, all those who risked their lives to extinguish a fire at a time when there was a real risk of another blast, and all the rescuers who were involved in fire fighting operation and neutralising the problem. The possibility that even more dangerous incidents and serious developments could happen has remained until now. So please transmit my thanks and, if need be, make suggestions regarding those who particularly distinguished themselves.
Please thank all Interior Ministry personnel who participated in relief efforts following this incident, ensured the rule of law and order in places that were evacuated, and simply did not allow looting to occur. In fact, this is also evidence that they are able to work and have had normal training. They acted as they should in an emergency situation.
And the last thing I wanted to say: I instruct the Defence and Emergencies ministries to identify the causes of the accident at the arms depot. That is the first thing. Second, I want them to check the compliance of similar facilities with fire safety requirements and rules governing their operation. You have two weeks to do this. At that time you should submit a report signed by the relevant ministers.
Thank you once again for your prompt settlement of the situation, for the discipline you demonstrated. Please transmit my greetings to members of the Interior and Emergencies ministries. Thank you, until soon.
November 14, 2009, Singapore