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Official website of the President of Russia

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Gala reception marking Victory Day

May 9, 2015, The Kremlin, Moscow

A gala reception was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace on behalf of the President of Russia to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Dear veterans,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Dear guests,

My most heartfelt congratulations to you all on Victory Day! The Day of Russia's glory and might! The holiday that lifts our hearts shedding the light of kindness and spiritual generosity!

Victory in the Great Patriotic War represents a milestone that changed the world. It is a universal, world-scale event. And no matter how much time has passed since the triumphant day of May 9, 1945, our country will always honour the generation of the victors.

Time cannot blur either our memory or our common responsibility for the preservation of the heroic legacy of our Motherland's defenders. The glorious Victory has been and will always be the ultimate yardstick to measure our thoughts and deeds.

Our people fought for their national sacred things – for their Motherland, home, culture and mother tongue, for the moral and spiritual values. For freedom in Europe and for peace on Earth. And in this righteous and sacred fight against the Nazism they did not spare their lives. They withstood it all and won!

We will always remember that the Victory was ensured by unity and genuine brotherhood of all the peoples of the Soviet Union.

We pay tribute to the heroic deed of the soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition and the antifascists who drew the fight nearer to victory.

The spirit of alliance forged during World War II today remains an example of partnership and cooperation of all the countries in the name of peace and just cause.

Dear friends,

Today we share the same feelings of joy and excitement, grief and pride. And of course the feeling of gratitude to our veterans.

It is a great honour for all of us to be here with you on these days. To be able to embrace you, shake your hand, listen to your advice, tell you the most important words of our love to you. To tell you that we admire your courage and dignity, your principle to abide by the laws of truth and justice throughout your life.

You have stuck by this high bar in times of war as well as in times of peace. You rebuilt the country, worked hard and with zeal, made friends, loved, brought up children, and knew how to value life and enjoy it. Duty to your Motherland and work for the common good have always been your most precious values.

You have passed these traditions and the feeling of patriotism on to your children and grandchildren. And this bond between generations is Russia's strength, national asset and indestructible moral pillar.

We bow down to you.

Let me propose a toast:

To the glorified generation of victors!

To the veterans of all the countries who fought against the Nazism, to their brotherhood, courage and heroic deed!

To Russia's peace and well-being!

To the Great Victory!

May 9, 2015, The Kremlin, Moscow