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Vladimir Putin met with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and expressed his gratitude to him and all UN employees for their efforts to support peace.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Secretary-General, colleagues, friends, good afternoon,
Thank you for accepting our invitation and coming to attend the events to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazism.
It is quite natural for the UN Secretary-General to attend such an event. I mean that it was the victor nations that set up this organisation to make sure that such tragedies never happen again.
We are grateful to you, Mr Secretary-General, and to all the people working in this universal international organisation for your efforts to ensure world peace.
Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon (in Russian): Thank you, Mr President. I am very happy to be in Moscow again. Thank you for your welcome.
(in English): We are honoured to participate in this historic event of Victory Day. And thank you for your invitation and also Director-General of UNESCO, Madame Irina Bokova, is here.
I am humbled and I was very excited to commemorate the great contribution and sacrifice Russian people had to make 70 years ago in defence of freedom and peace and liberty. That was a huge tragedy, but a very valuable contribution for humanity.
70 years after, today I was able to witness myself the proud faces and the strong commitment for peace by not only soldiers who participated in it, but by people who were watching and were a part of this event. Congratulations for your leadership and vision.
After this parade I saw hundreds of thousands people still in the street. I thought they were demonstrating against government, but they were supporting your leadership, they were very proud citizens. And they were waving hands to the United Nations, so I was also honoured. I think you deserve all this pride of your people.
Mr President, I think this World War was a tragedy, unspeakable tragedy. But it also made people resolve to create the United Nations. The United Nations is also celebrating the 70th anniversary this year. Therefore, my participation in this parade as Secretary-General of the United Nations means that we are working together for humanity and world peace and freedom.
May 9, 2015, The Kremlin, Moscow