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Official website of the President of Russia

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Presentation of the Order of Parental Glory

June 1, 2015, The Kremlin, Moscow

Vladimir Putin presented the Order of Parental Glory to parents of large families from Russia’s nine federal districts.

The Order of Parental Glory is awarded to parents (including adoptive parents), who have raised seven or more children and pay great care to the next generation’s health, education, and physical, spiritual and moral development. The decoration was instituted by a presidential executive order in May 2008, and was first awarded on January 13, 2009.

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President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, friends,

Today, on International Children’s Day, big, friendly and clearly happy families from all around Russia have gathered here at the Kremlin. Today, we are holding the wonderful ceremony to present the Order of Parental Glory.

In congratulate you from all my heart on this holiday and on receiving this high state decoration. I want to wish you success, good health and prosperity.

The Order of Parental Glory is awarded to fathers and mothers for exceptional services in raising children, for the constructive and genuinely creative parental labour to which you have devoted your lives, and for your outstanding contribution to preserving the family’s traditional foundations. Time and history have proven repeatedly the absolute value of these foundations. They have always protected Russia and helped it to prosper, made it stronger and more powerful, and form our multi-ethnic people’s moral foundation.

We return time and time again to these truths and see that no matter what turn events take, and no matter what trials and difficulties we traverse, a big and friendly family is always the most dependable support. Goodness, responsiveness, love for children and parents, and selfless care for our loved ones will continue throughout the generations to come.

No matter what turn events take, and no matter what trials and difficulties we traverse, a big and friendly family is always the most dependable support. Goodness, responsiveness, love for children and parents, and selfless care for our loved ones will continue throughout the generations to come.

Of course, the heroes of today’s ceremony know all this without the need for words. You have achieved what is probably the greatest result – to establish a real family hearth where love, understanding and trust reign. You are raising healthy, all-round children, worthy citizens of our country, and your patience and everyday wisdom help you to overcome all trials and tribulations.

Support for the family in the broadest sense is unquestionably our priority. Society’s attitude and attention plays a big part in this, and so does the authorities’ work at every level. We are talking after all about the most important thing of all – preserving our nation, preserving the people of Russia.

Let me make it very clear that no matter what the circumstances, problems or difficulties we encounter, we will continue pursuing our active demographic policy and will develop the system of modern perinatal centres, build new hospitals, medical centres, schools and kindergartens, and strengthen the social sector in general.

Support for the family in the broadest sense is unquestionably our priority. Society’s attitude and attention plays a big part in this, and so does the authorities’ work at every level. We are talking after all about the most important thing of all – preserving our nation, preserving the people of Russia.

Only this way, helping families and expanding their possibilities, we can preserve and build on the positive demographic trends that have emerged in Russia over these last years.

These positive trends include an increase in the birth rate and in life expectancy, a decrease in infant mortality, a natural population increase, and the fact that more and more Russian families are having second or third child.

Friends, you have dedicated yourselves to the great and noble work of parents. This labour demands great generosity of spirit, responsiveness and warmth. I hope that many young families, seeing you and your inspiring and happy example, will also make this choice.

Let me congratulate you once again on receiving the Order of Parental Glory and wish you all the very best.

Thank you very much.


Vladimir Putin: Friends,

I want to congratulate you again on these decorations.

We have many important matters to address. Every issue we turn to is important, a priority, but there is nothing more important than what you are doing. The most important thing of all is children, the sincere warmth they receive, the education and attention they are given.

How much energy is needed to do all that you are doing to such high standards the way you do. How much strength, patience and talent this takes. This really does require a great amount of human attention, spirit and talent.

Human talent expresses itself in many different ways and takes many forms. You have a talent that perhaps many people lack.

Let me congratulate you once more on these decorations. I want to express my gratitude to you and I bow low before your labour.

Thank you very much. Congratulations!

June 1, 2015, The Kremlin, Moscow