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Official website of the President of Russia

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Address to the people of Russia ahead of the State Duma election

September 15, 2016

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia,

On Sunday, September 18, we will elect the new State Duma. Many regions around the country will also hold gubernatorial elections and elections to their regional legislative assemblies.

The election campaign is almost over now. All participants have had equal conditions for open and fair competition and the opportunity to set out their views on different problems and present solutions. Voters have had the chance to objectively assess and compare the different parties’ and candidates’ programmes, goals and actions.

The State Duma election is a big event in our life. It is entirely up to you, the citizens of Russia, to decide the shape of our new parliament. I am sure that we all want to bring into the State Duma people who are worthy, competent, energetic and honest, who will carry out the people’s will, live up to voters’ trust, ensure stability, development and national harmony, and will be ready to stand up in unity for Russia’s interests.

I count on your responsible and carefully-considered position as citizens. I call on you to come to the polling stations, cast your votes and express your views.

I am sure that no matter what our political views, participation in the voting is the civic duty of each and every one of us and an expression of our sincere feelings for our country and concern for its future.

Make your choice and vote for Russia!

September 15, 2016