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Official website of the President of Russia

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Vladimir Putin and Prince Albert II of Monaco opened exhibition The Romanovs and the Grimaldis. Three Centuries of History

October 6, 2016, Moscow

Vladimir Putin and Prince Albert II of Monaco took part in opening the exhibition The Romanovs and the Grimaldis. Three Centuries of History at the Tretyakov Gallery as part of the cultural programme of the Days of Monaco in Russia.

The exhibition, which marks the 10th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations between Russia and Monaco, relates the two countries’ history and the ties between the Russian royal house and the princely house of Grimaldi.

The two dynasties’ relations are illustrated in official decrees and manifestos, letters and photographs, diary entries and souvenir albums, paintings and personal objects. The exhibits come from various Russian archives and museums and from the Monaco princely court’s collection.

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President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Your Highness, ladies and gentlemen, friends,

It is a pleasure to welcome you all to the State Tretyakov Gallery for the opening of the exhibition The Romanovs and the Grimaldis. Three Centuries of History.

This exhibition is without question an important event in our countries’ cultural lives, all the more so as it gives the start to the wide-ranging programme of the Days of Monaco in Russia, which opens today.

This exhibition has brought together a truly unique selection from the personal archives of the Russian royal house and the the princely house of Monaco. It presents more than 170 rare official documents, paintings, photographs, diaries, letters and gifts from Russian museums and the Monaco princely court’s collections. They illustrate the close relations between the Romanov and Grimaldi dynasties, confirm the rich history and special ties between Russia and Monaco, and remind us that our two countries have often been allies and followed similar positions on European affairs.

I note in particular that a substantial part of the exhibition is devoted to our honoured guest’s outstanding forebear – Prince Albert I. He was not only a statesman but also a world-renowned scientist, oceanographer, hydrographer and honorary member of many scientific associations.

Next year marks 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties between Russia and Monaco. These ties were broken off for what would become many years in 1917, but were restored 10 years ago and since then have developed steadily in all areas on the basis of partnership, mutual respect and consideration for each other’s interests. Our country’s good friend, Prince Albert II, can take personal credit for much of this.

Let me take this opportunity to thank you, Your Highness, from all my heart for your sincere interest in Russia and the constant attention you give to our bilateral cooperation.

I would like to thank the exhibition’s organisers and wish all the visitors many memorable impressions.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Ruling Prince of Monaco Albert II (retranslated): Mr President, Your Excellency, ladies and gentlemen, friends,

Mr President, thank you for the very warm words you have just said, and for the warm welcome we have received.

Following the Year of Russia in Monaco in 2015, I am grateful to the Russian Government for the proposal to hold this exhibition, The Romanovs and the Grimaldis. Three Centuries of History, in Moscow to mark the 10th anniversary of the restoration of our diplomatic relations.

The Russian Federation state archives and the archives of the Monaco princely court have worked hard to adapt this exhibition for Russia, and I welcome this truly exemplary example of scientific cooperation between our countries.

I am very pleased that, like those who visited the exhibition in Monaco, Muscovites will now be able to see it for themselves at the Tretyakov Gallery and will also see what an extensive correspondence the Russian tsars and the Monaco princes carried on, starting in the 19th century, which certainly testifies to the tremendous mutual interest our countries have for each other.

Based on these historic ties, I am confident that we will strengthen the bonds of friendship between us today and in the future.

Thank you very much.

October 6, 2016, Moscow