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Official website of the President of Russia

Transcripts   /

Beginning of Meeting with Minister Mentor of the Republic of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew

September 20, 2009, Moscow Region

President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev: Mr Minister Mentor, it is a great pleasure to meet with you and thank you for the great contribution you have made to our school. Thank you for agreeing to serve on its International Advisory Board and carrying out your responsibilities so conscientiously.

All that has been accomplished over this short time shows that we can achieve much indeed if we have the will and combine our efforts. We have produced very good results.

This year will see the first visit to Singapore by a Russian leader. The APEC events planned to take place there are of much interest for us, and we will also hold bilateral talks. I think these events will mark an important stage in our relations.

You were at the origins of Singapore’s economic miracle and headed the country for very many years. I will be interested to get to know more about your experience and learn more about Singapore’s development today.

I hope that we will be able to meet not just here in Moscow but in Singapore too. Once again, thank you for agreeing to join our International Advisory Board and thank you for all your help.

Minister Mentor of the Republic of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew (as translated into Russian): It is an honour to be here today. I see that you have made progress, considerable progress. I have had the chance to visit not just Moscow and St Petersburg but also Tatarstan.

You have entered a new era, and we hope that the new generation of students you are raising today, including at this institute, will meet the demands and new trends in the economy.

Singapore’s development has to take these conditions into account. We hope to take our bilateral relations – trade, education, investment and tourism ties – to a new level. Russia is moving from words to action now, and is gathering experience from other countries, including Singapore.

It was very interesting to hear what the architect and the founders had to say about this school. But as I said earlier to you, an educational establishment’s quality lies not only in its buildings and its teaching staff but also in its students.


September 20, 2009, Moscow Region