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Official website of the President of Russia

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Attending the finals of the judo tournament

September 7, 2017, Vladivostok

Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe and President of Mongolia Khaltmaagiin Battulgavisited the Fetisov-Arena Concert and Sports Complex that is hosting the International Vladivostok Jigoro Kano Junior Judo Tournament.

The International Vladivostok Jigoro Kano Junior Judo Tournament is being held under the patronage of Vladimir Putin and Shinzo Abe as part of the sports programme of the Eastern Economic Forum on September 4–8. The tournament is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the first international contest between Russian and Japanese judokas.

After the tournament the Russian, Japanese and Mongolian leaders awarded cups to the victor and prize winners in one of the weight categories. The President of Russia also congratulated all the contestants.

* * *

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, by which I mean my colleague from Mongolia, Mr Prime Minister of Japan!

Today we host an international tournament for the first time, but let me remind you that the first Russian-Japanese tournament took place in Vladivostok exactly one hundred years ago, in 1917.

We are renewing this tradition thanks to our wonderful friend and famous judoka Mr Yamashita; I want to thank him very much.

This tournament would be impossible to organise on such a high level without the support of the International Judo Federation; and I would like to thank its President, Mr Vizer, who does a lot to develop this fascinating sport.

We will do everything so that this tournament is held each year on a regular basis. I congratulate all the contestants, athletes, all judo fans and wish you new contests and meetings to enjoy and remember!

September 7, 2017, Vladivostok