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Official website of the President of Russia

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Presentation of state decorations

June 27, 2018, The Kremlin, Moscow

The traditional ceremony to present state decorations of the Russian Federation was held at Kremlin’s St Catherine Hall. The President presented orders, distinctions and honorary titles to more than thirty Russians for their outstanding achievements in research, culture, education, medicine, agriculture and manufacturing.

Vladimir Putin presented the Order for Services to the Fatherland, I degree, to a number of recipients, including Vladimir Etush. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Physical Education and Sport Vyacheslav Fetisov received the Order for Services to the Fatherland, II degree; Order for Services to the Fatherland, III degree, was presented to President of the Russian Tennis Federation Shamil Tarpishchev; and Order for Services to the Fatherland, IV degree, was bestowed upon Head of the A Just Russia party faction in the State Duma Sergei Mironov.

The Order of Courage was presented to test pilot Dmitry Komarov; Aeroflot CEO Vitaly Savelyev received the Order of Alexander Nevsky. Explorer Fedor Konyukhov and pianist Denis Matsuev were awarded the Order of Honour. Artistic Director of the Moscow Gubernsky (Provincial) Theatre Sergei Bezrukov received the Order of Friendship. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Iosif Kobzon was awarded For Beneficence distinctive mark.

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President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, friends,

It gives me sincere pleasure to be presenting Russia’s highest decorations here at the Kremlin to the most talented and deserving citizens of our country.

Each and every one of you has achieved outstanding results in your fields. Your accomplishments, victories, records, courage and labour all contribute to Russia’s development in meaningful ways. Of course, there is also a moral dimension to these efforts.

You serve as examples of hard work, brave pursuits, commitment and of course have a sense of responsibility for the future of our country and a commitment to do as much as possible in order to achieve breakthroughs and new heights, and change life for the better.

Those who have received awards today include well-known public figures and less well known persons. However, you are all united by the fact that you have been able to fulfil your talents and achieve dreams, while also benefiting your Fatherland.

Yury Bugakov and Vladimir Etush have become full cavaliers of the Order for Services to the Fatherland.

Yury Bugakov dedicated almost 50 years to agriculture. For many years, he has been at the helm of a major Siberian agro-industrial complex that has maintained its leadership regardless of the prevailing economic system.

It is thanks to progressive, smart, assiduous and caring managers of this kind that the Russian agro-industrial complex has been developing.

Theatre plays with Vladimir Etush, a brilliant and audacious actor, have become an inherent part of Russian culture. He literally conquered the hearts of millions with his acting talent.

Dedication and a sense of purpose are essential for any activity. Still, there are professions that require courage and being ready to risk your own life. Dmitry Komarov tested a number of Il series aircraft, and has overcome a number of challenging and emergency situations while in the air, helping identify shortcomings as well as helping to improve the safety of aircraft. For that, he is awarded the Order of Courage.

Anatoly Ivanishin took part in lengthy space expeditions and in a number of research projects. We value highly the services of cosmonaut researchers, and in general the contribution of the Yury Gagarin Centre to upholding Russia’s leadership in exploring near-Earth space.

World-famous scholars are known for seeking to go beyond the horizons of the ordinary and expand the frontiers of knowledge. There is no doubt that Viktor Matveyev, director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, belongs to researchers of this kind. He specialises in elementary particle physics.

Viktor Matveyev has been paying special attention to the promotion of international cooperation in this field. In this connection, let me emphasise that fundamental research and mega-science projects will definitely continue to be supported.

This provides a foundation for a scientific and technological breakthrough we need to achieve in order to develop the country and improve the lives of our citizens.

Medicine is becoming an increasingly science-based sector that depends on the introduction of the latest methods of prevention, diagnostics and treatment. This is one of the main elements in the work of Viktoria Dvornichenko, chief physician at the Irkutsk Regional Cancer Centre.

The technology for treating cardiac arrhythmia developed by Academician Amiran Revishvili is used around the world.

Vyacheslav Fetisov and Sergei Mironov will receive state decorations for their active involvement in the life of society and politics.

One of my colleagues in the State Duma and a legendary person whom we love dearly is Iosif Kobzon. He has been awarded the distinctive mark For Beneficence. Iosif Kobzon generously shares his talent and offers people his care and support, which come from his heart.

Culture and the arts are a universal language that brings together generations and nations. When people of the arts add charity projects to their work, this greatly increases the enlightening role of culture. This is how Sergei Bezrukov and Denis Matsuev see their mission.

Our country is hosting the 2018 FIFA World Cup, and it is symbolic that decorations will be presented today to those who made the development of sports their life’s work: Shamil Tarpishchev, Vladimir Chagin, Ivan Dusharin and Oleg Matytsin.

Friends, there are representatives of widely different trades and professions in this room, and the life of each of them is proof that people can soar to new heights when they find their calling in life, and that there is nothing impossible when the road to your goal is lit up with love for your country.

Congratulations on receiving these high state decorations.


Vladimir Putin: Friends, I would like to congratulate all the recipients once again.

Present are people from many different kinds of professions and a whole range of ages. You have come here from various regions of Russia.

Here is Denis Matsuev. I have exchanged a few words with him. He made a beautiful metaphor by comparing our team with a symphony orchestra. I think we can compare our whole country with a symphony orchestra.

Every person has their own role and field of activities. Each area has a talented, beautiful and inimitable sound, all the more so if it has such wonderful soloists as you.

I congratulate you on your success.

June 27, 2018, The Kremlin, Moscow