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Official website of the President of Russia

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Working meeting with Sakhalin Region Governor Oleg Kozhemyako

July 24, 2018, The Kremlin, Moscow

The Sakhalin Region Governor briefed the President on the socioeconomic situation in the region.

Oleg Kozhemyako said the region was steadily developing. Gross regional product has increased by 87 billion rubles. Investment in fixed capital is growing. The demographic situation is improving due to both a natural increase and migration. Over the past few years, 560 doctors and 640 paramedics, as well as teachers have moved to the region. The newcomers are allocated housing and receive relocation allowances. The number of families with many children has increased by 58 percent. The 2012 executive orders, including those regarding wages and dilapidated housing, have been implemented.

The local authorities have developed measures to attain the key development goals based on the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly and Executive Order On National Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation until 2024. They have also outlined the priorities, such as housing construction as a way to keep people from leaving, as well as the construction of schools and the development of healthcare and sports.

The Governor recalled that a while ago the Sakhalin Region legislature sent a letter to the President substantiating the importance of building a bridge to connect the island with the mainland, using in part the funds that are collected under the Sakhalin-2 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) and currently invested in regional development.

Vladimir Putin emphasised that the construction of a bridge between Sakhalin and the mainland had long been under discussion, the project is very important for Sakhalin residents, and it would be a major factor in encouraging people to remain in the region, also boosting the development of Khabarovsk Territory, where approach roads would be built.

The President said he had instructed the Government to analyse this matter, particularly its economic aspects.

July 24, 2018, The Kremlin, Moscow