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Official website of the President of Russia

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Reception to mark Navy Day

July 29, 2018, St Petersburg

An official reception to mark Russia's Navy Day was held at the Admiralty.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrade officers,

First, let me once again wish you a happy holiday.

The profession of a navy man in our country has always been an honourable one that personified courage, valour and dedication.

Such respect is well-deserved: everyone knows that the naval profession is a difficult and important work. It means service in the most difficult and rough environments, often involving long separations from the family and loved ones. But for a navy man, the noble goal of serving the Fatherland has always been a top priority.

The high combat readiness and effectiveness of the naval forces is a major component of ensuring the country's military capability and its security, as well as the security of its citizens. And, of course, we will continue to implement measures aimed at strengthening and developing the Navy and better equipping its fleet.

This year, the Navy has already received four surface vessels, one anti-terror boat, and three support ships. Overall, in 2018 the Navy will receive 26 new ships, cutters and vessels, including four ships with the Kalibr missile system.

Rearmament and modernisation is making good progress largely due to the workers of our shipbuilding industry and their professionalism and responsible attitude.

The Navy infrastructure, including ship base infrastructure, has also been developing to meet the latest requirements.

The Navy has always been among the first to master scientific, technical, engineering and design achievements. Meeting the Navy's current and prospective needs should further stimulate the development and introduction of advanced and innovative technologies, and serve as one of the drivers for the technological breakthrough. And this, as experience shows, will be inevitably followed by the flow of breakthrough knowledge into the civilian sector.


I am confident that every person who serves in the Navy knows that they have the entire great history of the Russian Navy behind them, all the outstanding achievements of our predecessors and the valour of our respected veterans. I hope the current generation of navy men will honourably continue this great history.

Here is to the Russian Navy, to its glory and might!

Happy holiday!

July 29, 2018, St Petersburg