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Concluding his trip to the Siberian Federal District, Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Acting Governor of the Omsk Region Alexander Burkov.
The discussion focused on the socioeconomic and environmental situation in the region.
Alexander Burkov expressed his gratitude for unprecedented federal funding for the region: an additional 8.5 billion rubles was allocated for 2018 (over 15 billion rubles in total).
According to the acting governor, low average income is the region’s key problem. Thanks to the federal increase, wages have been increased and all social benefits maintained for some 500,000 people.
Regarding the environment, the region has established an environmental monitoring centre. In addition to the centre, the public can see live air quality updates on 54 public screens. In addition, the Omsk Oil Refinery helped acquire a very effective mobile lab.
Mr Burkov said that an Omsk Region development budget had been created for the first time thanks to federal funding (1.1 billion), with the resources going to support small and medium businesses as well as support for industrial enterprises through subsidised interest rates, in addition to the regional industrial fund to support large industrial infrastructure projects.
As of today, the region has invested over 300 billion rubles in industry, primarily in the petrochemical industry. The Omsk Oil Refinery and the Kauchuk and Polyom companies account for the major share.
Alexander Burkov reported that spending on healthcare had increased 20 percent. The region has begun purchasing equipment for polyclinics, mainly for children’s clinics including X-ray machines, ultrasonography equipment and echocardiographs (150 items in total). The region has a three-year programme to build rural health clinics, with support from the Healthcare Ministry.
Also, mobile stations will appear this year. The region has also started rebuilding 24 hospitals and polyclinics. In addition, 23 ambulances, including 14 resuscitation ambulances, were purchased, as well as 28 for hemodialysis treatment, and 60 vehicles were purchased for pediatricians and therapists.
The acting governor asked the President to support the construction of a children’s infectious disease hospital as well as to fund the technical upgrade and reconstruction of the oncologic and perinatal centres.
The regional programme to support mortgage loans, measures needed to staff rural healthcare clinics, the education and cultural systems, issues related to providing clean potable water to people living in rural areas and road quality were also discussed.
August 28, 2018, Omsk