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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting to mark the 300th anniversary of the prosecutor's office in Russia

January 12, 2022, The Kremlin, Moscow

Vladimir Putin took part in the ceremonial meeting marking the 300th anniversary of the prosecutor's office in Russia.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Krasnov, colleagues, friends, current workers and veterans of the prosecutor's office,

Today we are celebrating a major historical event, the 300th anniversary of the creation of the prosecutor's office in Russia.

I congratulate you on reaching such a significant milestone and wish you all the best on your professional holiday. I would like to extend the kindest words to everyone who views serving the law and the Fatherland as a matter of life and destiny, everyone who continues to serve people on this holiday, to respond to violations of law and order, to participate in court hearings, protecting the interests of the people, of our entire society.

Without exaggeration, a very important and significant body was added to Russia’s state system in 1722. The prosecutor's office, formed by Peter the Great, became the country's highest supervisory body. “Supervise hard” was what Peter the Great ordered in one of his decrees, and these words determined the substance and the very nature of a prosecutor’s work.

The role of the prosecutor's office continued to grow during Catherine the Great's time, and then during the reforms of Alexander II. That was fully justified because the prosecutor's office worked in an appropriate manner; prosecutors monitored the work of leading state institutions, protected the interests of the treasury and supported prosecution in court. It is impossible to imagine the development of Russian laws and the entire judicial system without their contribution.

The names of Pavel Yaguzhinsky, Alexander Vyazemsky, Dmitry Dashkov and others went down in Russia’s history as prominent leaders of the prosecutor's office. They set the high standards for many future generations of the office’s employees.

We also remember that, even after the revolutionary upheavals in the 20th century and during the tragic period of massive repressions, the best workers of the prosecutor's office preserved their professional honour and good name. They shared the hardest trials with many of our people, with many citizens, with all people of Russia.

At the same time, I am expecting you to address your tasks even more quickly and competently, and I hopethat you will always be guided by order and justice, by efforts to protect the people, their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, and that this will serve as your main value.

In this connection, I would like to note that, in their work, prosecutors should, first of all, prioritise people’s complaints and the solution of the problems that concern them the most. Last year, people submitted about five million complaints to prosecutor’s offices, and this means that they can see and appreciate your efforts, and it is important to justify their trust.

First of all, it is necessary to quickly and attentively respond to any encroachments on citizens’ social rights, to ensure timely and complete payments, the required benefits, compensations and so on, so that people obtain high-quality medical treatment. First and foremost, this, of course, concerns people with disabilities and retired persons, orphaned children, underprivileged families and those with many children.

Efforts to fight corruption, extremism and other crimes are one of your high-priority tasks. The prosecution authorities alone are supposed to coordinate the actions of all law enforcement agencies in the struggle against the criminal threat, and it is necessary to use your wide-ranging powers more effectively at all stages, from crime prevention and detection to indicting defendants in the courtroom. You should act skilfully, firmly and consistently.

It is necessary to more closely monitor compliance with law in prisons and penitentiaries. This work should be conducted in collaboration with other state agencies, and public and human rights organisations.

Protection of entrepreneurs’ rights is another important task. We often discuss this matter, and one can even say that we discuss it all the time. Over the past 13 years, since the enactment of the law on state control, prosecutors’ oversight has rid businesses of millions of unjustified checks. You should not rest on your laurels, and you should step up this work and continue with it. The business and investment climate, as well as the overall successful and dynamic development of the national economy, largely depend on this.

Ecology, environmental protection, above all strict observation of modern standards in this area should permanently remain the focus of attention.

I will add that new important powers were conferred on the Prosecutor General’s Office in the summer of 2021. I mean representation of our country in interstate authorities, foreign and international courts and arbitration tribunals. Actually, this creates additional mechanisms for protecting Russia’s interests and our citizens’ rights. I seriously expect the prosecutors to do this job at the highest professional level.

And, of course, in all key areas the prosecutor’s supervision should be of a pre-emptive nature. I have said this on numerous occasions and want to underscore it once again: it is important not only to stop any violations of law but to reveal systemic issues too – this is also one of the ways to enhance the efficiency of your work.


The three-century-long journey of our prosecutor’s office is a history of statehood protection, of service to the law and society, and the state, on its part, will pay the most serious attention to the support and development of the prosecution system, improve the legal framework of your activity, and enhance the technical, information and analysis, and, of course, human resources potential.

At all times, at the sharpest turning points in history, the best employees of the prosecutor's office were distinguished by their objectivity and independence, responsibility and personal integrity. On this special day I want to say thank you to the veterans, who faithfully served the law and our country, and to express gratitude to the entire prosecution corps of Russia for finding responsible solutions to serious problems facing our country.

I am sure of your professionalism and that by your dedicated work and achievements, you will write new remarkable pages in the history of Russia’s prosecutor’s office.

I wish you every success and congratulate you on your holiday.


January 12, 2022, The Kremlin, Moscow