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Official website of the President of Russia

Transcripts   /

Russia-Vietnam talks

June 20, 2024, Hanoi

In Hanoi, Vladimir Putin and President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam To Lam held talks with the participation of official delegations.

The beginning of the Russia-Vietnam talks

President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam To Lam (retranslated): Comrade President Putin, Russian and Vietnamese comrades.

On behalf of the state and people of Vietnam, I warmly welcome you, Comrade Putin and the esteemed delegation of the Russian Federation. We are delighted by your state visit, which is taking place at the invitation of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Your visit coincides with our celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Treaty on Principles of Friendly Relations between Vietnam and Russia (1994–2024). Additionally, we are actively preparing to commemorate the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Russia next year.

Vietnam also congratulates the Russian Federation on the significant achievements made under your leadership over the past two decades. We are pleased to see the growing political and social stability in Russia, the active development of the economy, the improvement of living standards, and the steady growth of Russia’s position and authority on the global stage.

I would like to once again congratulate you on receiving overwhelming support from the people of Russia in the recent presidential election. This reflects a high level of trust from the Russian people in you personally and in your policies. I am confident that this path is correct and will contribute to the further strengthening and development of a strong, united, and prosperous Russia.

I would also like to express my gratitude for your heartfelt congratulations on my election as President of Vietnam.

Our state, our people, and I personally always prioritise the development of relations between our countries. We deeply appreciate the relations between our nations and your support for Vietnam.

We also deeply cherish the selfless assistance and support that the Russian people have provided to Vietnam during our struggle for independence, in our country’s past development, and in the ongoing process of nation-building today.

Vietnam maintains an independent, peaceful foreign policy that is diversified and multi-directional. At the same time, we place great importance on developing and strengthening our traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia. Russia remains one of Vietnam’s foremost foreign policy priorities.

Comrade President, during our discussions today I would like to discuss the key directions and areas for advancing and strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia for the benefit of both our nations and in the interest of peace, cooperation, and regional and global development.

In the spirit of our warm hospitality, I am honoured to invite you to take the floor, Comrade President.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much. Comrade To Lam, friends,

Firstly, I would like to extend my personal congratulations once again to Comrade To Lam on his election as President.

Strengthening our comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam remains one of our top priorities.

You mentioned that we are currently celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Treaty on the Principles of Friendly Relations. Throughout these years, we have maintained regular and meaningful political engagements, involving parliaments, ministries, departments, political parties, regions, and civil society organisations. Recently, you also visited Russia in your capacity as Minister of Public Security.

Trade and economic relations continue to advance progressively. Last year, trade turnover increased by eight percent, thanks in part to the close cooperation of intergovernmental commissions on both sides. The growth in trade turnover is also bolstered by the implementation of the 2015 free trade agreement between the EAEU and Vietnam.

We coordinate our efforts in the international arena. Russia places significant emphasis on enhancing dialogue with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, with Vietnam being a prominent member.

Next year, we will mark several significant anniversaries, including the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations and the 50th anniversary of the liberation of South Vietnam.

We look forward to your presence at the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in Moscow.

We have a packed agenda for our talks. I am confident that we will be able to address all current issues concerning the development of our bilateral relations.

Thank you.


June 20, 2024, Hanoi