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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh

June 20, 2024, Hanoi

Vladimir Putin met with Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Phạm Minh Chính. The talks were held in the working breakfast format.

Prime Minister of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh (retranslated): Comrade President of the Russian Federation, Russian and Vietnamese friends,

First of all, I would like to extend a warm welcome to Comrade President and the high-ranking delegation of the Russian Federation on their state visit to Vietnam. This is your fifth visit to Vietnam since 2001.

Let me congratulate you on your convincing and absolute victory in the recent presidential election, which indicates of the immense trust the Russian people have placed in you and the right direction in Russia’s development course.

I would also like to congratulate you on the success of your recent visits to China and the DPRK.

Over the past two decades, relations between Russia and Vietnam have achieved great success, thanks to your sincere sentiments and attention towards Vietnam. We established a strategic partnership in 2001, followed by a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2012. Currently, we are actively implementing our vision statement on our relations until 2030.

Your current visit holds great importance as we commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Treaty on Foundations of Friendly Relations between Vietnam and the Russian Federation. It serves as a strong message of our countries’ determination to invigorate the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and the Russian Federation in the near future. Together, we will unleash our potential for the benefit of the two nations and in the interest of peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

The Russian Federation has always been an essential partner for Vietnam. Our traditional friendship, sincerity, political trust, and friendly cooperation are invaluable assets of our two nations. They have been built through the efforts of many generations of our countries’ leaders and people, withstanding the tests of time and distance. The Vietnamese people always remember with gratitude the selfless help and support that the Russian people and you personally provided to Vietnam in our efforts to build, defend and develop the country.

At our meeting today, I would like to discuss with you in a candid and sincere atmosphere further areas, guidelines, and measures for enhancing our economic, trade, and investment relations. Together we aim to bring our relations to a new level of development, making them even more effective, fruitful, and substantial.

Thank you very much.

The floor is yours.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, Comrade Pham Minh Chinh!

Friends, colleagues,

It is a pleasure to be here in beautiful Vietnam, the hospitable Socialist Republic of Vietnam, one of our long-standing and reliable friends and partners.

The Russian-Vietnamese relations of trust and mutual understanding have come a long way, as you have just mentioned, and have stood the test of time with honour.

The Soviet Union, as you also noted, provided effective assistance in the Vietnamese people’s heroic struggle against the French and later the American invaders, and subsequently contributed to the peaceful development of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

It is important for us that Vietnam also remembers this and cherishes this memory.

In recent decades, we have significantly expanded the legal framework for cooperation. In addition to the cornerstone Treaty on Foundations of Friendly Relations, which just recently turned 30 years old, more than 80 interstate and intergovernmental agreements are now in place between our countries. A number of important bilateral documents were also signed during the current visit.

The political dialogue is intensive and meaningful. There is steady and effective interaction between ministries, agencies, and regions – involving political parties as well as the general public.

Trade and economic cooperation is also gaining momentum. Trade increased by 8.3 percent in 2023, adding another 33 percent in January-May 2024. This year, Russia will host a regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation.

Joint ventures are effectively operating, primarily in the energy sector: Vietsovpetro is involved in petroleum production on the continental shelf of Vietnam, and Rusvietpetro, operates in the Nenets Autonomous Area in Russia. We are ready to conclude long-term contracts to supply hydrocarbons, including LNG, directly to Vietnam. Russia has provided assistance in building numerous power generation facilities in Vietnam. We are interested in developing new projects and participating in the modernisation of Vietnam’s HPPs.

Automotive assembly plants are gaining traction – I am referring to the GAZ plant in Da Nang. Cooperation in agriculture and food production is also advancing. Vietnamese investors are implementing large projects in Russia, in the Moscow and Kaluga regions and the Primorye Territory.

Educational cooperation continues; the government has established a quota of 1,000 university places with state grants to admit Vietnamese citizens next year.

Russia will host Days of Vietnamese Culture this year. Vietnamese athletes took part in the BRICS Games earlier this month.

Many Russian cities and regions, including Moscow, St Petersburg, the Kaluga, Rostov and Ulyanovsk regions, are active in cooperating with cities and provinces of Vietnam.

I would like to underscore that despite all the current challenges, we are committed to strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and we will do our utmost to advance it. I hope that this visit will serve to strengthen our ties; I have no doubt about it.

Thank you.


June 20, 2024, Hanoi