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Seminar meeting on preparation for an extended meeting of the State Council Presidium on export development

September 24, 2024, Москва

A seminar meeting on preparation for an extended meeting of the State Council Presidium on export development took place at OKO complex.

The meeting was attended by Presidential Aide and State Council Secretary Alexei Dyumin, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Maxim Oreshkin, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade Anton Alikhanov, Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov, General Director of the Russian Export Centre Veronika Nikishina, government officials, heads of regions, heads of state corporations, and others.

In his opening remarks, Alexei Dyumin noted that exports, particularly non-resource-based and non-energy products, serve as a strategic asset for development as well as a key to the country’s economic and technological sovereignty.

“Development of export and international cooperation is essential for achieving economic sovereignty and technological leadership. This is the aim of the new national project which is being developed jointly with the State Council’s specialised commission. We must ensure consistent growth in production, budget revenues, and, ultimately, an increase in the income and well-being of citizens,” the presidential aide said.

Alexei Dyumin stressed that regions play a decisive role in achieving these goals, with each territory boasting its export potential whose implementation will substantially facilitate the region’s economic growth and ensure its budgetary stability.

In his report, Arkhangelsk Region Governor and Chair of the State Council Commission on International Cooperation and Export Alexander Tsybulsky said that regional authorities maintain constant contact with exporters from the regions. He stressed the importance of direct interaction with enterprises that manufacture products for foreign markets and noted the relevance of the efforts to create an infrastructure to support local businesses, which allows for making proper decisions and helps achieve the intended goals of boosting foreign trade and attracting more reliable partners abroad.

In her report, Veronika Nikishina noted the importance of the work to promote Russian products abroad under the Made in Russia brand, which is being developed as part of the new national project, International Cooperation and Exports.

“A greater recognition of Russian products and exporters in priority markets is a key task to be addressed for ensuring sustainable export growth,” the Russian Export Centre director emphasised.

The seminar meeting participants discussed major tasks of export development, including measures to increase the regions’ role in implementing the state policy on export support and achieving national goals, as well as the efforts to establish stable partnerships with friendly countries, expand technological cooperation, ensure convenient and accessible logistics, and develop new markets.

In the roundtable format, the participants considered various areas and mechanisms for export development.

The decisions developed during the seminar meeting will be presented to Vladimir Putin at the State Council Presidium’s meeting on export development on September 25.

September 24, 2024, Москва