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Official website of the President of Russia

Документ   /

Meeting of the State Council Commission on Tourism, Physical Fitness and Sport

May 3, 2024

Presidential Aide, State Council Secretary Igor Levitin and Governor of the Primorye Territory Oleg Kozhemyako co-chaired a meeting of the State Council Commission on Tourism, Physical Fitness and Sport.

The meeting was attended by Chair of the Committee on Tourism Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Industry and Trade Yury Barzykin, President of the Russian Union of the Tourism Industry Ilya Umansky and other representatives of relevant federal and regional executive bodies, the expert community, and businesses.

In his opening remarks, Igor Levitin noted that the Tourism and Hospitality Industry national project, launched at the President’s decision in 2021, has made a positive impact on domestic tourism and prompted a major transformation in the tourist industry and improvement of the investment climate in tourism. The national project needs to continue in view of the strategic goals set by the President in his Address to the Federal Assembly.

The meeting participants reviewed the proposals by commission members and Russian regions on measures and approaches necessary for the regions’ inclusion in the updated Tourism and Hospitality Industry national project, as well as new national projects Personnel and the Economy of Data and Digital Transformation of the State.

The participants discussed the availability of human resources for the tourist industry, developing eco-tourism in protected nature areas, and creating favourable conditions for developing tourist infrastructure there.

Igor Levitin also noted the progress in fulfilling the President’s instructions issued after the State Council Presidium meeting on tourism in September 2022. The respective goals must be included in the updated national projects.

The initiatives proposed by the meeting participants will be analysed by the commission and developed into proposals for new national projects.

May 3, 2024