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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with Tomsk Region Acting Governor Vladimir Mazur

August 22, 2022, The Kremlin, Moscow

Tomsk Region Acting Governor Vladimir Mazur reported to the President about the priorities of the region’s development.

The President suggested beginning with the operation of the Tomsk special economic zones (the relevant project will last until 2054), the construction of a campus for 10,000 students and the upgrading of the airport.

Vladimir Mazur said the special economic zone, the opening ceremony of which Vladimir Putin attended 16 years ago, is doing well. There are current proposals making it possible to open new premises for various investment projects. Along with the economic zone, the region also has a territory of advanced socioeconomic development in Seversk, a nuclear industry city. Its residents are doing a good job as well. They are reducing dependence on imported parts. Russian materials account for 98–100 percent of the products of most companies.

The Acting Governor said that the length of the airport’s runway had been extended by 300 metres, making it possible to accept practically all aircraft of different tonnage. The student campus imparts technological development to the region for decades ahead. Many companies — practically all state corporations — expressed their desire to open technology offices there. Deep cooperation with applied sciences is planned. The region has developed good academic and business ties with Asia, with BRICS and SCO countries and the EAEU. Mr Mazur asked the President for help in building a bridge across the Tom River, which is essential for the development of the campus.

Mr Mazur considers the construction of a large children’s clinic with an outpatient department very important. This will make it possible to treat 114,000 children a year. An onco-surgery centre is under construction. The region is helping its neighbours in treating oncological and cardiological diseases. The region can ensure the selection of personnel because Tomsk has a very good institution – Siberian Medical University. The President said he would send the region’s document to the Government and he advised Mr Mazur to discuss this issue with Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova. He also asked Mr Mazur not to forget about the need to counter infectious diseases and emphasised that the HIV problem required special attention in Tomsk.

Preparations for a new academic year were also discussed. Mr Mazur asked the President to support the construction of 16 schools. He said there was a certain gap in the region between universities that had substantially improved their conditions, approaches and results and general education schools that were mostly good but must learn to integrate smoothly with universities. The region creates joint school classes with universities; IT technology is very strong; there is progress in various areas with federal research institutes in the Tomsk Academic Town. Now it is necessary to improve general school education.

The President promised the Acting Governor to send all the region’s requests to the Government and wished Mr Mazur all the best.

August 22, 2022, The Kremlin, Moscow