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Official website of the President of Russia

State Council   /

Meeting of the State Council Commission on Social Policy

May 3, 2024

Presidential Aide and State Council Secretary Igor Levitin and Novgorod Region Governor Andrei Nikitin chaired a meeting of the State Council Commission on Social Policy.

The meeting was held via videoconference and was attended by Federation Council Deputy Speaker Inna Svyatenko, First Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection Olga Batalina, Deputy Minister of Sports Alexei Morozov as well as representatives of the scientific community and the public.

They discussed preparation of new national projects. As per the presidential instruction of April 10, 2024, the Government shall work out the main principles of developing new national projects, approaches to devising a system of managing such projects and defining the mechanisms for their co-financing with due account of each project’s specifics and submit the relevant materials to the Presidential Executive Office and the State Council’s commissions. In his opening remarks Igor Levitin outlined the tasks and the order of work to fulfill the instruction.

Olga Batalina focused in her report on the Family national project and the implementation of the Presidential Executive Order of January 23, 2024, On Measures of Social Support for Large Families.

Chairman of the State Council Commission on Social Policy, Novgorod Region Governor Andrei Nikitin stressed the importance of implementing the tasks, identified by the President in his address to the Federal Assembly, in particular, to support reproductive health and large families.

The meeting participants presented the best family policy practices followed in the regions.

May 3, 2024