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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Telephone conversation with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

October 18, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev and Nursultan Nazarbayev exchanged views on current aspects of bilateral cooperation, including joint efforts on the international and regional agenda.

Tags: foreign policy, Kazakhstan

Congratulations to Dmitry Medvedev from leaders of foreign nations

September 14, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev received many congratulations on his birthday from foreign leaders.

Tags: foreign policy, Armenia, Azerbaijan, France, Germany, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

Telephone conversation with President of Kazakhstan

September 14, 2010

President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev extended his warm congratulations to Dmitry Medvedev on his birthday.

Tags: foreign policy, Kazakhstan

Dmitry Medvedev took part in the seventh Forum of Interregional Cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan

September 7, 2010

The Forum's central theme is interaction between Russia and Kazakhstan in the sphere of sustainable development and high technology.

Tags: foreign policy, regions, science and innovation, Kazakhstan

Dmitry Medvedev and Nursultan Nazarbayev visited Russia-Kazakhstan Exhibition of Innovation Technology

September 7, 2010

The two leaders surveyed the information stands New Approaches to Kazakhstan’s Innovation Policy and Innovative Technology in Housing and Utilities, and visited Irgetas engineering laboratory.

Tags: foreign policy, science and innovation, Kazakhstan

Telephone conversation with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

August 4, 2010

The President of Kazakhstan expressed solidarity with the people of Russia following the nation’s major natural disasters.

Tags: foreign policy, Kazakhstan

Ratification of agreement on the establishment and application in the Customs Union of procedures for import customs duties transfer and distribution

July 31, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev signed law on ratification of agreement on the establishment and application in the Customs Union of procedures for import customs duties transfer and distribution.

Tags: customs, foreign policy, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Meeting with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

July 5, 2010

The two presidents discussed bilateral cooperation development, including at the regional level, and the results of the EurAsEC summit.

Tags: energy, foreign policy, Kazakhstan

Dmitry Medvedev will make a working visit to Kazakhstan on July 5–6, 2010

July 1, 2010

The President of Russia will participate in a meeting of the Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community at the level of heads of state.

Tags: foreign policy, Kazakhstan

Protocol Amending the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Customs Union has been ratified

June 3, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev signed Federal Law On Ratifying the Protocol on Amendments and Addenda to the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Customs Union of November 27, 2009.

Tags: customs, EurAsEC, foreign policy, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Dmitry Medvedev signed the Federal Law On Ratifying the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Customs Union

June 3, 2010

The law was passed by the State Duma on May 21, 2010 and approved by the Federation Council on May 26, 2010.

Tags: customs, EurAsEC, foreign policy, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Instructions resulting from meeting on economic issues

May 1, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev approved list of instructions resulting from meeting on economic issues of April 20, 2010.

Tags: economy and finance, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Dmitry Medvedev met with President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych

April 13, 2010

The two leaders discussed the pricing of Russian natural gas supplies to Ukraine. Mr Medvedev noted that the subject is indeed very important for Ukraine and that Russia is ready to review Kiev’s new proposals regarding gas prices. He suggested having this matter addressed by the respective ministries of the two nations.

Tags: foreign policy, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

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