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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Meeting of State Council consultative commission’s working group on regional industrial policy

April 20, 2017

Presidential Aide and State Council Secretary Igor Levitin chaired, via videoconference, a meeting of the State Council consultative commission’s working group on modern regional industrial policy as a factor of improving the competitiveness and investment appeal of the Russian regions.

Tags: industry, investment

Law ratifying Geneva Act of Hague Agreement Concerning International Registration of Industrial Designs

April 4, 2017

Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law On the Ratification of the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs.

Tags: industry

Meeting with CEO of Volkswagen Matthias Mueller

February 8, 2017

Vladimir Putin met with CEO of Volkswagen AG Matthias Mueller to discuss various aspects of the company’s business in Russia.

Tags: industry

Meeting with Kamchatka Territory Governor Vladimir Ilyukhin

February 3, 2017

Vladimir Putin had a meeting with Kamchatka Territory Governor Vladimir Ilyukhin. The discussion concerned the region’s socioeconomic situation, specifically, the development of the fishing industry and the fulfilment of the presidential executive orders of May 2012. The Governor informed the President about measures to improve seismic safety of residential buildings and public facilities in the region.

Tags: construction industry, industry, regions, social services, Kamchatka Territory

Meeting with Norilsk Nickel CEO Vladimir Potanin

January 31, 2017

Vladimir Potanin updated the President on Norilsk Nickel’s performance in 2016 and current operations.

Tags: industry

Meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission

January 26, 2017

Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission to discuss implementation of the state defence order in 2016 and key areas of the general-purpose forces development through 2025 and beyond.

Tags: Armed Forces, industry, national security

Videoconference with Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG

January 26, 2017

During a videoconference with Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG, Vladimir Putin was briefed on the start of flight tests of the new multipurpose MiG-35 fighter.

Tags: Armed Forces, industry, national security

Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin

January 23, 2017

Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Rogozin discussed matters concerning the organisation of the Aviation Board’s work.

Tags: industry, transport

Working meeting with Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov

January 16, 2017

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov to discuss support measures for certain industrial sectors, in particular, for agricultural engineering.

Tags: industry

Instructions to support Eastern Petrochemical Complex construction

December 29, 2016

Vladimir Putin approved a list of instructions on support for the project to build the Eastern Petrochemical Complex.

Tags: industry, regions, Primorye Territory

Visit to Diakont plant

December 25, 2016

Vladimir Putin and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev got acquainted with production technology and product samples at the Diakont plant in St Petersburg.

Tags: industry, regions, science and innovation, Saint Petersburg

Instructions on developing the fisheries sector

December 19, 2016

Vladimir Putin approved a list of instructions on developing the fisheries sector.

Tags: industry, regions, support for business, Republic of Karelia

Working meeting with Tver Region Governor Igor Rudenya

December 12, 2016

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Governor of the Tver Region Igor Rudenya to discuss the region’s socioeconomic situation.

Tags: industry, regions, social services, Tver Region

Meeting with Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works CEO Viktor Rashnikov

November 29, 2016

Vladimir Putin met with Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) Viktor Rashnikov to discuss the company’s performance and plans.

Tags: industry

Visit to Avtodizel plant

November 12, 2016

During his trip to Yaroslavl, Vladimir Putin visited the Avtodizel Yaroslavl Motor Plant, part of the GAZ Group, which produces goods under the YaMZ brand. The President saw the production process and met with the workers.

Tags: industry, regions, Yaroslavl Region

Meeting with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin

November 11, 2016

Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. The discussion covered the state of industry, healthcare and education and prospects for developing the Moscow Central Ring railway.

Tags: healthcare, industry, professional training, transport, Moscow

Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin

November 11, 2016

Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. The Deputy Prime Minister, in particular, updated the President on preparations for flight tests of the new MC-21 aircraft and the prospects for establishing a Russian Aviation Board in line with Presidential instructions.

Tags: industry, transport

Meeting with Head of the Tambov Region Administration Alexander Nikitin

November 9, 2016

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Head of the Tambov Region Administration Alexander Nikitin. The discussion focused on the region’s socioeconomic situation.

Tags: economy and finance, industry, social services, Tambov Region

Meeting with Chairman of the Executive Board of RUSNANO Anatoly Chubais

November 7, 2016

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with the Chairman of the Executive Board of RUSNANO Anatoly Chubais to discuss the work of the corporation in the 9 years since its creation and prospects for the further development of the nano-industry.

Tags: industry, science and innovation

Meeting with Mikhail Fradkov and Sergei Chemezov

November 2, 2016

Vladimir Putin met with Mikhail Fradkov and Rostec State Corporation CEO Sergei Chemezov.

Tags: industry, science and innovation

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