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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Instructions on establishing and developing Bikin National Park

April 22, 2015

Vladimir Putin signed a list of instructions on the establishment and development of Bikin National Park.

Tags: environment, regions, Primorye Territory, Khabarovsk Territory

Outside lighting at the Moscow Kremlin will be turned off for an hour as part of Earth Hour on March 28

March 27, 2015

Following Vladimir Putin’s decision, the outside lighting at the Moscow Kremlin, the official residence of the Russian President, will be switched off for one hour (from 8:30 pm to 9:00 pm Moscow time) as part of Earth Hour international environmental protection event on March 28.

Tags: environment

Meeting of the Interagency Working Group on Climate Change and Sustainable Development

March 26, 2015

The Presidential Executive Office Interagency Working Group on Climate Change and Sustainable Development held a regular meeting.

Tags: climate, environment

State Council working group meeting on improving timber industry efficacy

February 27, 2015

Presidential Aide Igor Levitin chaired a meeting of the working group for monitoring the execution of decisions by the State Council and its Presidium in Krasnoyarsk. The meeting participants addressed the fulfilment of the President’s instructions on improving the efficacy of the timber industry in Russia.

Tags: environment, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Supervisory Board meeting of Far Eastern Leopards organisation

February 10, 2015

Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Ivanov chaired a Supervisory Board meeting of the Far Eastern Leopards autonomous non-profit organisation, addressing issues of preserving and developing populations of this species.

Tags: environment

Working meeting with Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Sergei Donskoy

December 30, 2014

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Natural Resources and Environment Minister Sergei Donskoy.

Tags: environment

Video linkup with Russian Antarctic expedition

December 26, 2014

Vladimir Putin had a video linkup with members of the Leaders’ Club expedition to the Antarctic.

Tags: environment

Alexander Bedritsky participated in Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

December 9, 2014

Special Presidential Envoy on Climate Change Alexander Bedritsky spoke at the Twentieth Session of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP20) and the tenth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP10) in Lima.

Tags: climate, environment

Russian Geographical Society's award presentation

December 9, 2014

Vladimir Putin took part in the Russian Geographical Society's award presentation ceremony. As Chairman of the Society's Board of Trustees, the President presented the Russian Geographical Society's Person of the Year award to Konstantin Bogdanov for the discovery and study of the battleship Lefort.

Tags: environment, science and innovation

XV Congress of the Russian Geographical Society

November 7, 2014

Vladimir Putin took part in the Russian Geographical Society’s XV congress.

Tags: environment

Meeting with Government members

October 29, 2014

Vladimir Putin met with Government members to discuss socioeconomic development in Kaliningrad Region. The housing and utilities sector, developing the Arctic and improving Russia’s investment climate were also discussed.

Tags: economy and finance, environment, housing and utilities, regions, Kaliningrad Region

Greetings on Tiger Day

September 27, 2014

Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to participants in Tiger Day celebrations, annually held in Primorye Territory.

Tags: environment

Alexander Bedritsky took part in the plenary session of the UN Climate Summit 2014

September 23, 2014

Presidential Adviser and Special Presidential Envoy on Climate Change Alexander Bedritsky spoke at the National Action and Ambition Announcements plenary of the United National Climate Summit 2014.

Tags: climate, environment

Global Eco-Forum

July 11, 2014

While on a working visit to China, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Ivanov took part in the Global Eco-Forum.

Tags: environment, foreign policy, People's Republic of China

Amendments to legislation regulating relations pertaining to the preservation of Lake Baikal

July 1, 2014

The President signed Federal Law On Amending Certain Legal Acts of the Russian Federation.

Tags: environment

Instructions following a meeting on effective and safe development of the Arctic

June 29, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed instructions issued following a meeting on effective and safe development of the Arctic on June 5, 2014.

Tags: budget, environment, professional training, science and innovation, transport

Meeting on the efficient and safe development of the Arctic

June 5, 2014

Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the efficient and safe development of the Arctic, focussing on its scientific support and environmental security in the implementation of projects on the ocean shelf.

Tags: environment

Visit to Zhelundinsky nature and wildlife reserve

May 22, 2014

The President concluded his trip to Amur Region with a visit to the Zhelundinsky nature and wildlife reserve of regional importance.

Tags: environment, Amur Region

Working meeting with Ryazan Region Governor Oleg Kovalev

May 5, 2014

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Governor of Ryazan Region Oleg Kovalev.

Tags: environment, regions, Ryazan Region

Meeting with Government members

April 30, 2014

Vladimir Putin held a meeting with members of the Government to discuss implementing the Culture Ministry’s work programme, the situation with municipal procurement, and work on a law to stimulate companies to introduce new technology that meets the latest environmental safety standards.

Tags: budget, civil service, culture, environment

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