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Official website of the President of Russia

civil service

Publications by topic:

The President took part in a State Duma plenary session

May 8, 2018

Vladimir Putin addressed a plenary session of the State Duma, where he submitted the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev for the post of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Tags: civil service

The President instructed the Government to continue its work until the new Cabinet is formed

May 7, 2018

Vladimir Putin signed an Executive Order On Resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Tags: civil service

Meeting with the graduates of the Management Personnel Pool programme

April 25, 2018

Vladimir Putin met with the first graduates of the Management Personnel Pool programme. The President congratulated them on completing the course.

Tags: civil service, pool of high-potential managers

Telephone conversation with Aman Tuleyev

April 1, 2018

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Aman Tuleyev, who submitted a request for the early termination of his authority as Governor of Kemerovo Region. The President thanked the former governor for his longstanding work as head of the region.

Tags: civil service, regions, Kemerovo Region – Kuzbass

Aman Tuleyev’s resignation has been accepted

April 1, 2018

President Putin signed the Executive Order On the Early Termination of the Authority of the Governor of Kemerovo Region, simultaneously appointing Sergei Tsivilev as acting head of the region.

Tags: civil service, regions, Kemerovo Region – Kuzbass

Greetings to current and former Russian Foreign Ministry staff on Diplomats’ Day

February 10, 2018

Vladimir Putin sent greetings to current and former staff of the Russian Foreign Ministry on their professional holiday, Diplomats’ Day.

Tags: civil service, foreign policy

Vladimir Putin congratulates current and former workers of prosecutor’s offices

January 12, 2018

Vladimir Putin congratulated current and former workers of prosecutor’s offices on their professional holiday, Prosecutor’s Office Workers Day, and the 296th anniversary of the establishment of the prosecution service in Russia.

Tags: civil service

Management Personnel Pool under the Russian President’s patronage updated

January 10, 2018

Vladimir Putin approved the new composition of the Management Personnel Pool under the patronage of the President of Russia. The pool includes 143 people representing federal and regional authorities, local governments and other organisations.

Tags: civil service

Meeting with current and former regional governors

December 27, 2017

As part of New Year celebrations, Vladimir Putin met in the State Kremlin Palace with current and former regional governors.

Tags: civil service, regions

Meeting with Federal Assembly leaders

December 25, 2017

Vladimir Putin held a traditional meeting with the leaders of the Federation Council and the State Duma, as well as relevant committees of both chambers of the Russian parliament.

Tags: civil service

Alexander Beglov appointed Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to Northwestern Federal District

December 25, 2017

Vladimir Putin signed the Executive Order On the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Northwestern Federal District.

Tags: civil service, regions

Alexei Gordeyev appointed Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to Central Federal District

December 25, 2017

Vladimir Putin signed the Executive Order On the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Central Federal District.

Tags: civil service, regions

Nikolai Tsukanov appointed Presidential Aide

December 25, 2017

Vladimir Putin signed the Executive Order On the Post of Presidential Aide.

Tags: civil service

Meeting with Alexander Gusev

December 25, 2017

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Alexander Gusev, and announced the decision to appoint him Acting Governor of Voronezh Region.

Tags: civil service, regions, Voronezh Region

Alexei Meshkov appointed Ambassador to France with dual accreditation to Monaco

October 23, 2017

Vladimir Putin signed executive orders On Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the French Republic and On Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Principality of Monaco.

Tags: civil service, France, Monaco

Alexander Pankin appointed Deputy Foreign Minister

October 23, 2017

The President signed Executive Order On Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Tags: civil service

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