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Official website of the President of Russia

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Presentation of state decorations

March 10, 2016, The Kremlin, Moscow

In a ceremony at the Kremlin’s Catherine Hall, Vladimir Putin presented Russian Federation state decorations and honorary titles to outstanding Russians and a number of foreign nationals.

Among those who received the decorations were representatives of the Russian academic community and the space industry, public and religious figures, workers, teachers, actors and journalists.

Decorations were presented, among others, to the commander and co-pilot of the Orenburg Airlines plane who prevented the crash of the liner in the Dominican Republic, as well as a Russian police officer and a citizen of Kyrgyzstan who saved a woman in the Moscow metro.

Russian Federation state decorations were also presented to citizens of Azerbaijan, Armenia and the Czech Republic.

 * * *

 President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, friends.

Attending this gala ceremony in this beautiful hall of the Kremlin are those who devoted their great victories to Russia, who brought it fame and respect. Allow me to welcome you all.

We have recently marked March 8, the International Women’s Day, and in this connection, I would like to say that our women are making great progress everywhere, demonstrating their abilities and talents in the most diverse areas. Their stamina and bravery deserve our admiration.

Thus, the fourth female cosmonaut in the history of this country, Yelena Serova, has overcome all the hardships and trials of a long space flight with confidence. Together with her colleague Oleg Artemyev, she is awarded the  Hero of Russia star and the title of Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation.

Anfisa Chukavina, who works in the assembly of radio electronic equipment, has demonstrated great professional achievements. Lyubov Romanskaya and Nina Sevastyanova have steadily produced excellent results in animal husbandry for decades, while Tamara Purtova has dedicated her life to preserving the rich traditions of Russian folk art and Russia’s cultural heritage.

Undoubtedly, our words of gratitude go to veterans of the  Great Patriotic War. We continue to discover little known facts about the history of the war, paying tribute to its heroes.

One such person is Alexander Pechersky, who headed one of the biggest uprisings of Nazi death camp inmates at the Sobibor camp. However, his feat had been forgotten for a long time, and it is through the efforts of the public and veterans’ unions that justice has prevailed: he is awarded the  Order of Courage. The order will be presented to his granddaughter Natalya Ladychenko.

We consider it our sacred duty to preserve the memory and truth of the war. Its grim lessons remain timely and important for stronger peace and stability and trust between peoples.

For special achievements in the development of humanitarian ties with Russia and his great efforts to retain the heritage of the Great Victory, a state decoration is presented to Jiri Mastalka, Member of the European Parliament from the Czech Republic.

We are grateful to all our friends abroad and we highly value their support and are always ready to work together for the benefit of our countries.

A great contribution to the development of close bilateral contacts with Russia and the strengthening of our strategic partnership is made by First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Yaqub Abdulla oglu Eyyubov, who is in this hall today.

Friends, gratitude and openness, a drive for creativity, for serving people, nobility and courage are wonderful qualities.

Pilots Konstantin Parikozha and Igor Kravtsov have saved hundreds of lives. Their stamina, professionalism, proper and decisive action made it possible to avoid a terrible catastrophe in the sky over the Dominican Republic, to land a burning multi-tonne liner without causing casualties and evacuate all the passengers.

Artyom Korolyuk and citizen of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan Marat Isayev performed a brave manly deed. Risking their own lives, they saved a woman who fell onto the rails of the Moscow metro.

Today among those awarded are representatives of leading scientific, production and educational centres of this country.

Outstanding aircraft designer Genrikh Novozhilov is awarded the  Order for Services to the Fatherland I degree. For many years, he headed the Ilyushin Design Bureau, standing at the source of breakthrough modifications of the legendary Il aircraft. Today, despite his respectable age, he is still on the job.

We are also happy to see here President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov and many famous scientists, teachers, actors and doctors.

Your achievements, friends, have been and will remain significant for Russia and its people, helping to resolve pressing matters of the country’s social and economic development.

Taking part in this ceremony are representatives of the traditional religions of this country, people of the arts and culture, and public activists. Through your selfless moral service, you help people, making Russia stronger, supporting the values that form the basis of civic solidarity and public accord.

I would like to congratulate you once again on this high acclaim, for receiving state decorations. I would like to wish you further success and all the best.

 Thank you very much.


V.Putin: Friends, allow me to congratulate you once again on your awards. Thank you very much for the kind words you addressed to me, and I would like to put the ball in your court, as they say: it is a great honour for me to present these state decorations of Russia.

One of you said, “I do not know how soon I would come again on to this hall and stand on this podium.” I must say, we have a lot of achievements, as you have said today. In every area that you represent – aircraft construction, shipbuilding, medicine, art, space – we have a lot to demonstrate to the country and the world, we have some great up-to-date achievements.

However, we also have many unresolved issues – quite a few of them. We should not rest on our laurels, absolutely not. Although, the more often you and other outstanding Russians like you come to this hall, the sooner we will resolve all the issues facing us.

Thank you for your work.

March 10, 2016, The Kremlin, Moscow