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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Law on ratification of Protocol amending Russia-Belgium Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation

August 3, 2018

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Ratification of the Protocol Amending the Convention between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Tax Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital signed in Brussels on May 19, 2015.

Tags: taxes, Belgium

Meeting with Head of the Federal Taxation Service Mikhail Mishustin

June 26, 2018

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Head of the Federal Taxation Service Mikhail Mishustin. The official briefed the President on tax collectability, the results of measures to eliminate dummy companies from the company register and plans to improve registration of self-employed individuals with the tax authority.

Tags: taxes

Law ratifying Russian-Belgian Convention on Avoiding Double Taxation

May 23, 2018

The President signed the Federal Law On Ratification of the Convention between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Belgium on Avoiding Double Taxation and Preventing Tax Evasion with Respect to Tax on Income and Capital and the Related Protocol.

Tags: foreign policy, taxes, Belgium

Law on ratification of Protocol between governments of Russia and Belarus on application of international agreements on duty payment and transfer procedure for export of crude oil from Customs Union

February 19, 2018

The President signed the Federal Law On the Ratification of the Protocol between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on Individual Issues of the Application of International Agreements on the Procedure of Payment and Transfer of Customs Duties (or Other Equivalent Duties, Taxes or Fees) for the Export of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products from the Republic of Belarus Outside the Customs Union.

Tags: Customs Union, taxes, Belarus

Amendments to Tax Code on voluntarily declared assets and accounts in foreign banks

February 19, 2018

The President signed the Federal Law On Amendments to Part One and Part Two of the Russian Federation Tax Code and Article 3 of the Federal Law On Amendments to Part One and Part Two of the Russian Federation Tax Code (Profit Taxation of Controlled Foreign Companies and Income of Foreign Companies).

Tags: banks, taxes

Meeting with Government members

January 16, 2018

Vladimir Putin held the first meeting with Government members this year.

Tags: culture, taxes, tourism, transport

Amendments to Tax Code and legislative regulations

December 29, 2017

The President signed the Federal Law On Amending Part One and Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Specific Legal Acts of the Russian Federation.

Tags: taxes

Law introducing tax-free system in Russia

November 28, 2017

The President has signed the Federal Law On Introducing Amendments to Article 88 of Section 1 and Article 21 of Section 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Tags: taxes

Amendments to Tax Code concerning entry into force of Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

November 28, 2017

Vladimir Putin has signed the Federal Law On Introducing Amendments to Section 1 of the Russian Federation Tax Code in Connection with the Implementation of International Automatic Exchange of Information and Documentation among International Groups of Companies.

Tags: fight against corruption, information society, taxes

Meeting with Head of the Federal Taxation Service Mikhail Mishustin

November 20, 2017

In the run-up to Tax Authority Worker’s Day, Vladimir Putin met with Head of the Federal Taxation Service (FTS) Mikhail Mishustin. The President congratulated the FTS head and all current and former workers on their professional day.

Tags: taxes

Instructions following the meeting with representatives of Russian business circles and associations

October 6, 2017

The President approved a list of instructions following the meeting with representatives of Russian business circles and associations on September 21, 2017.

Tags: taxes

Amendments to Tax Code of the Russian Federation

August 1, 2017

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Amendments to Articles 333.33 and 333.34 of Part II of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Tags: taxes

Visit to Federal Taxation Service

April 11, 2017

Head of the Federal Taxation Service Mikhail Mishustin briefed the President on the modern work standards for tax agencies and new service instruments for tax payers.

Tags: taxes

Vladimir Putin will visit the Federal Taxation Service on April 11

April 10, 2017

Director of the Federal Taxation Service Mikhail Mishustin will update the President on the performance of tax offices and modern standards of working with taxpayers.

Tags: taxes

Instructions on state regulation of production and sale of alcohol-containing products

December 21, 2016

Vladimir Putin approved a list of instructions on state regulation of production and sale of alcohol-containing products.

Tags: fight against crime, healthcare, taxes

Amendments to procedures for payment of taxes and fees by participants in preparations of 2018 football world cup

November 30, 2016

Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law On Amendments to Articles 146 and 3335 of Part 2 of the Russian Federation Tax Code.

Tags: sport, taxes

Meeting with Federal Taxation Service Head Mikhail Mishustin

November 21, 2016

On the Tax Worker’s Day Vladimir Putin met with Head of the Federal Taxation Service Mikhail Mishustin. The President congratulated him and all employees and veterans of the Taxation Service on their professional holiday.

Tags: taxes

Instructions following meeting with Orenburg Region business community representatives

October 25, 2016

The President approved a list of instructions drafted following a meeting with representatives of the Orenburg Region business community on October 3, 2016

Tags: support for business, taxes, Orenburg Region

Law ratifying double tax avoidance and tax evasion prevention agreement between Russia and Hong Kong SAR

July 4, 2016

Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law On Ratifying the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China on Avoiding Double Taxation and Preventing Income Tax Evasion and the Protocol to the Agreement.

Tags: foreign policy, taxes, Hong Kong

Law on specific provisions for tax registration of foreign organisations providing internet services to individuals

July 4, 2016

Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law On Amendments to Part One and Part Two of the Russian Federation Tax Code.

Tags: taxes

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