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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Presidential instructions on motor vehicle inspection practice

April 30, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev issued instructions to draft proposals for a substantial simplification of motor vehicle inspection procedure or its complete abolition.

Tags: transport

Amendments to Air Code

April 9, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev signed two federal laws amending the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

Tags: transport

Law on establishing and use of road funds

April 6, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev signed Federal Law On Amendments to the Russian Federation Budget Code and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.

Tags: local self-government, regions, transport

Security Council meeting on long-term state policy in the aviation sector

April 1, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev gave the main outlines for development efforts in the aviation sector over the coming years. Priority tasks include modernising civil aviation airport infrastructure, upgrading civil aviation fleets, raising the quality of air transport services and making them cheaper, and building up the country’s military aviation capability.

Tags: industry, transport

Working meeting with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin

March 31, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev and Sergei Sobyanin discussed ways to address Moscow’s urban planning and transport issues. The Mayor of Moscow also informed the President on the progress of the capital’s healthcare development programme.

Tags: construction industry, fight against crime, healthcare, regions, transport, Moscow

Meeting on transport security

February 15, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev chaired a meeting on financial and technological components of transport security.

Tags: fight against terrorism, national security, transport

Dmitry Medvedev checked out public security at Vnukovo Airport

February 11, 2011

The President saw how checks at the entrance to the airport are performed, looked over the waiting area and the control zone through which passengers must pass on their way to the departure gates, and the arrivals area.

Tags: fight against terrorism, transport

Working meeting with Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev and Viktor Kiryanov

January 31, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev announced that he has appointed Viktor Kiryanov to the post of deputy interior minister responsible for security in the transport system and at transport infrastructure facilities.

Tags: national security, transport

Presidential instructions on ensuring people’s safety and security in the transport system and public places

January 29, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev approved a list of instructions on ensuring security in the transport system, transport infrastructure facilities, and other public places.

Tags: fight against terrorism, national security, transport

Meeting on transport security

January 26, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev critised security at major transport hubs stating that measures to ensure safety are unsatisfactory as a whole, even without considering the recent terrorist attack. The President demanded tighter security measures and control over compliance with applicable legal requirements.

Tags: fight against terrorism, national security, transport

Terrorism remains the main threat to Russia's security

January 25, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev held an expanded meeting of the board of the Federal Security Service (FSB).

Tags: fight against corruption, fight against drugs, fight against terrorism, national security, transport

Dmitry Medvedev visited several municipal infrastructure facilities under construction in preparation for 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics

January 5, 2011

While reviewing the preparations for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, the President visited a new hospital, which is being built in line with IOC recommendations, and the city airport, which has commissioned its second runway.

Tags: healthcare, Sochi 2014, transport, Krasnodar Territory

Dmitry Medvedev was briefed on the assistance offered to the injured and relatives of victims in the Surgut plane crash

January 2, 2011

The President heard reports from Healthcare and Social Development Minister Tatyana Golikova and Transport Minister Igor Levitin on measures taken to provide all possible assistance to the injured and relatives of victims in the Surgut plane crash, where one of jet’s engines caught fire as the plane taxied down a runway.

Tags: regions, transport, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra

Presidential instruction to Prosecutor General to inspect Moscow airports

December 28, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev issued instruction to Prosecutor General Yury Chaika to conduct and investigation into the operation of Moscow airports and companies involved to ensure that they fully comply with the legislation regulating air travel and passenger services.

Tags: transport

Law on accession to Convention expanding Russia's opportunities for aircraft equipment export

December 28, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev signed Federal Law On Accession of the Russian Federation to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment.

Tags: economy and finance, transport

Amendments to the law on assemblies, rallies and demonstrations

December 10, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev signed Federal Law introducing amendments to Federal Law On Assemblies, Rallies, Demonstrations, Processions and Picketing.

Tags: transport

Ratification of air services agreement with Macao

December 4, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev signed Federal Law On Ratification of Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Macao on Air Services.

Tags: transport

Law changing severance tax and transport tax rates

December 1, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev signed Federal Law amending the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Tags: taxes, transport

Working meeting with Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin

November 29, 2010

Mr Sobyanin briefed Dmitry Medvedev on the results of implementing presidential anti-corruption instructions, and on the progress of work to address Moscow’s traffic jams. 

Tags: fight against corruption, fight against crime, regions, transport, Moscow

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