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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Order to allocate funds from the Presidential Reserve

December 26, 2014

Vladimir Putin has signed order to allocate funds from the Presidential Reserve for a number of regional educational and cultural institutions.

Tags: budget, culture, professional training, Republic of Ingushetia, Kirov Region, Orel Region

Meeting with Government members

October 13, 2014

Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Government members.

Tags: budget, housing and utilities

Federal law on 2013 budget execution

October 6, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Execution of the 2013 Federal Budget.

Tags: budget

Amendments to Article 26 of the Law on Central Bank

October 6, 2014

Vladimir Putin singed Federal Law On Amendments to Article 26 of the Federal Law On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia).

Tags: banks, budget

Working meeting with Accounts Chamber Chairperson Tatyana Golikova

September 16, 2014

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Accounts Chamber Chairperson Tatyana Golikova to assess the implementation of the state programmes adopted by the Government and their conformity with national strategic development targets.

Tags: budget, civil service

Meeting with Government members

September 10, 2014

Vladimir Putin had a meeting with members of the Government. The meeting addressed work on the draft federal budget for 2015 and the 2016–2017 planning period. The participants also engaged in a discussion of many current issues: the course of construction at the Vostochny Space Launch Centre, the outcomes of a dilapidated housing audit in the Baikal Amur Railway zone and Ukraine’s upcoming ratification of an Association Agreement with the European Union.

Tags: budget, foreign policy, regions

Instructions following meeting on disaster relief work following floods in Russian regions

September 10, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed a list of instructions following a meeting on disaster relief work following floods in various regions of the Russian Federation, held on September 4, 2014 in Gorno-Altaisk.

Tags: budget, housing, land relations, local self-government, regions

Working meeting with Finance Minister Anton Siluanov

July 18, 2014

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Finance Minister Anton Siluanov to discuss budget policy and making budget spending more efficient.

Tags: budget, economy and finance

Ratification of an agreement settling Cuba’s debt to Russia

July 11, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Ratifying the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Cuba on Settling the Republic of Cuba’s Debt to the Russian Federation for Loans Issued during the Soviet Period. 

Tags: budget, foreign policy, Cuba

Amendment to Law on the Bank of Russia

July 1, 2014

The President signed Federal Law On Amendments to Article 82.5 of the Federal Law On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia).

Tags: budget

Instructions following a meeting on effective and safe development of the Arctic

June 29, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed instructions issued following a meeting on effective and safe development of the Arctic on June 5, 2014.

Tags: budget, environment, professional training, science and innovation, transport

Meeting with Government members

April 30, 2014

Vladimir Putin held a meeting with members of the Government to discuss implementing the Culture Ministry’s work programme, the situation with municipal procurement, and work on a law to stimulate companies to introduce new technology that meets the latest environmental safety standards.

Tags: budget, civil service, culture, environment

Meeting with core members of the Russian Popular Front

April 10, 2014

Vladimir Putin met with core members of the Russian Popular Front national public movement.

Tags: budget, civil service, public control

Amendments to law on the federal budget for 2014 and the 2015–2016 budget plan

April 2, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Amendments to the Federal Law On the Federal Budget for 2014 and the 2015–2016 Budget Plan.

Tags: budget

Working meeting with Director of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organisations Mikhail Kotyukov

March 11, 2014

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Director of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organisations Mikhail Kotyukov to discuss the various matters related to the agency’s work.

Tags: budget, science and innovation

Meeting with Government members

March 5, 2014

Vladimir Putin held a planned meeting with Government members to discuss implementing the Finance Ministry’s programme of work for 2013–2018, the situation on the stock and currency markets, and other current issues.

Tags: budget, economy and finance

Meeting with Government members

January 15, 2014

Vladimir Putin met with a number of Government members to discuss implementing housing programmes, budget policy, and the relief effort following last year’s floods in the Far East.

Tags: budget, housing, regions, social services, transport

Protocol to Agreement between Russia and Jordan on providing state loan ratified

December 30, 2013

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Ratifying the Protocol to the Agreement Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Represented by the Armed Forces of Jordan on Providing a State Loan Dated December 28, 2006.

Tags: budget, foreign policy, Jordan

A joint meeting of the State Council and Commission for Monitoring Targeted Socioeconomic Development Achievement Indicators will take place

December 22, 2013

On December 23, Vladimir Putin will chair a joint meeting of the State Council and the Presidential Commission for Monitoring Targeted Socioeconomic Development Achievement Indicators of the Russian Federation.

Tags: budget, labour market, professional training, social services

Draft laws on amendments to laws in connection with merger of the Supreme Court and the Higher Arbitration Court sent to State Duma

December 16, 2013

Vladimir Putin sent to the State Duma three draft laws related to the adoption of the Russian Federation Law on Constitutional Amendment On the Russian Federation Supreme Court and Prosecutor General’s Office.

Tags: budget

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