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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Working meeting with Governor of Ryazan Region Oleg Kovalyov

July 22, 2015

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Governor of Ryazan Region Oleg Kovalyov

Tags: import replacement, industry, investment, regions, social services, Ryazan Region

Meeting with Orenburg Region Governor Yury Berg

July 21, 2015

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Orenburg Region Governor Yury Berg.

Tags: economy and finance, industry, regions, social services, Orenburg Region

Congratulations to present and former mining and metals sector workers on Metalworkers’ Day

July 19, 2015

Vladimir Putin congratulated present and former mining and metals sector workers on their professional holiday, Metalworkers’ Day.

Tags: industry

Meeting of the State Council Presidium’s working group on developing Russia’s fisheries sector

July 15, 2015

Presidential Aide and Secretary of the State Council Igor Levitin held the second meeting of the State Council Presidium’s working group on developing Russia’s fisheries sector.

Tags: civil service, industry

Meeting with Governor of Tyumen Region Vladimir Yakushev

July 13, 2015

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Governor of Tyumen Region Vladimir Yakushev. Mr Yakushev briefed the President on the socioeconomic situation in the region, noting, in particular, growth in industrial production and housing construction, and the situation on the job market.

Tags: agriculture, industry, regions, social services, Tyumen Region

Meeting with Alisher Usmanov

June 30, 2015

Vladimir Putin met with Alisher Usmanov, founder of USM Holding, to discuss the company’s performance results, including the implementation of social projects, as well as Mr Usmanov’s activities as president of the International Fencing Federation.

Tags: industry, sport

Meeting with Government members

April 29, 2015

Vladimir Putin held a regular meeting with Government members.

Tags: agriculture, budget, economy and finance, industry, regions

Meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission

April 17, 2015

Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission on implementation of the state defence procurement order and import replacement in the Russia’s defence industry.

Tags: Armed Forces, import replacement, industry

Working meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin

March 30, 2015

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin to discuss the preliminary results of the Government’s work on updating licensing agreements.

Tags: industry

Meeting with Vladimir Potanin

March 23, 2015

Vladimir Putin met with President of Interros Holding and CEO of MMC Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanin to discuss Norilsk Nickel’s current activities, in particular a number of social programmes the company is carrying out and development prospects for the Rosa Khutor ski resort in Sochi.

Tags: industry, regions, social services

Vladimir Putin will address the plenary session of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs [RSPP] congress and take part in a meeting with the RSPP board members

March 18, 2015

Issues on the agenda will include access to loans and credit resources for the economy’s real sector, the role of professional standards in implementing anti-crisis programme’s import replacement policy, and making cooperation between the business community and the authorities more effective.

Tags: industry

Working meeting with Governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra Natalya Komarova

February 27, 2015

Ms Komarova briefed Vladimir Putin on the socioeconomic situation in the region, particularly with regard to the region’s industrial sector.

Tags: industry, regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra

Working meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

January 21, 2015

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, during which the Prime Minister submitted to the President, among other things, proposals for optimisation of the rocket and space industry.

Tags: industry, science and innovation

Meeting with Alexei Mordashov

January 19, 2015

Severstal Management CEO Alexei Mordashov reported to the President on PAO Severstal's performance in 2014, the companies' potential for development on the domestic market and the implementation of social programmes.

Tags: industry

Working meeting with Irkutsk Region Governor Sergei Yeroshchenko

January 13, 2015

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Irkutsk Region Governor Sergei Yeroshchenko to discuss the socioeconomic situation in the region and the creation there of a priority development area.

Tags: industry, regions, Irkutsk Region

Law on Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation

December 31, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law on Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation.

Tags: industry

Working meeting with Governor of Tver Region Andrei Shevelev

December 12, 2014

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Governor of Tver Region Andrei Shevelev. The region’s socioeconomic situation was the subject of discussion.

Tags: industry, regions, social services, Tver Region

List of instructions following meeting with Government members

November 22, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed a list of instructions following a meeting with Government members held on October 29, 2014.

Tags: economy and finance, industry, regions, social services, transport, Kaliningrad Region

Meeting with Chairman of the Board of Directors of Transmashholding Andrei Bokarev

November 21, 2014

Mr Bokarev briefed the President on the company’s current activities and development strategy. Transmashholding is one of Russia’s biggest producers of rolling stock for the railway sector.

Tags: industry, transport

Meeting with Vladimir Potanin

October 29, 2014

The President of Interros Holding and CEO of MMC Norilsk Nickel briefed Vladimir Putin on the implementation of the project to build the Bystrinsky Mining and Processing Industrial Complex.

Tags: industry

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