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Official website of the President of Russia

Republic of Karelia

Publications by topic:

Meeting on stable development of single-industry towns

April 28, 2014

Vladimir Putin held a meeting on stable development of single-industry towns.

Tags: industry, regions, Republic of Karelia

Meeting with Council of Legislators

April 28, 2014

Vladimir Putin met with members of the Federal Assembly’s Council of Legislators.

Tags: local self-government, regions, Republic of Karelia

Vladimir Putin will visit Petrozavodsk

April 27, 2014

Vladimir Putin will meet with members of the Federal Assembly’s Council of Legislators in Petrozavodsk on April 28, and will also hold a meeting on stable development of single-industry towns.

Tags: local self-government, regions, Republic of Karelia

Meeting with Head of the Republic of Karelia Alexander Khudilaynen

October 16, 2013

Vladimir Putin met with Head of the Republic of Karelia Alexander Khudilaynen to discuss the region’s socioeconomic situation.

Tags: construction industry, regions, social services, Republic of Karelia

Executive Order on celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Karelia

May 25, 2013

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Karelia.

Tags: regions, Republic of Karelia

Meeting with Head of the Republic of Karelia Alexander Khudilainen

November 2, 2012

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Head of the Republic of Karelia Alexander Khudilainen.

Tags: regions, Republic of Karelia

Meeting of the Russian Geographical Society Board of Trustees

August 6, 2012

Vladimir Putin held an extra-mural meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society on Valaam Island.

Tags: environment, science and innovation, Republic of Karelia

Vladimir Putin congratulated railway workers on their professional holiday, Railway Workers’ Day

August 5, 2012

The President took part in a TV linkup with Omsk and Nizhny Novgorod to mark Railway Workers’ Day.

Tags: transport, Republic of Karelia

Meeting with United Russia party leaders

May 23, 2012

Issues discussed at the meeting included ways to improve legislation on rallies and demonstrations and responsibility for violations in organising and conducting such events.

Tags: civil service, regions, Republic of Karelia, Irkutsk Region, Sverdlovsk Region

Vladimir Putin accepted resignation of the Head of the Republic of Karelia Andrei Nelidov

May 22, 2012

The President signed Executive Order On the Early Termination of Powers of the Head of the Republic of Karelia.

Tags: civil service, regions, Republic of Karelia

Trip to Karelia

November 24, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev visited the Petrozavodsk Palace of Creativity for Children and Teenagers, where he had a meeting with professionals working in preschool education and at children's cultural institutions, and librarians.

Tags: children, culture, demographics, regions, social services, Republic of Karelia

Meeting with journalists of the Northwestern Federal District

November 24, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev answered journalists' questions on various aspects of the socioeconomic situation in Russia.

Tags: media, regions, Republic of Karelia

Dmitry Medvedev had a working meeting with Head of the Republic of Karelia Andrei Nelidov

July 20, 2011

Andrei Nelidov reported to the President on the forest fire situation in his republic and measures being taken to prevent the fires.

Tags: regions, Republic of Karelia

Meeting with leadership of United Russia political party

July 13, 2010

Chairman of United Russia's Supreme Council and State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov submitted to Dmitry Medvedev the party’s proposals on the candidacies for the posts of Head of the Republic of Karelia and President of the Chuvash Republic.

Tags: regions, Republic of Karelia, Chuvash Republic

Executive Order On Early Termination of Powers of the Governor of the Republic of Karelia

June 30, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev accepted the voluntary resignation of Governor of the Republic of Karelia Sergei Katanandov.

Tags: regions, Republic of Karelia

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