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Official website of the President of Russia

human rights

Publications by topic:

Tatyana Moskalkova presented her annual report to the President

April 14, 2020

Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova presented to the President an annual report on her activities pursuant to the Federal Law On the Human Rights Commissioner in the Russian Federation.

Tags: human rights

Instructions following meeting of Council for Civil Society and Human Rights and meeting with Human Rights Commissioners

January 29, 2020

The President approved a list of instructions following the meeting of the Presidential Council Civil Society and Human Rights and a meeting with Human Rights Commissioners in the constituent regions of the Russian Federation, held on December 10, 2019.

Tags: court, human rights

Greetings on opening of 3rd International Conference Problems of Human Rights Protection in the Eurasian Region: Exchange of the Best Practices of Ombudspersons

December 17, 2019

Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to the participants in the 3rd International Conference Problems of Human Rights Protection in the Eurasian Region: Exchange of the Best Practices of Ombudspersons, held in Moscow.

Tags: human rights

Meeting with regional human rights ombudsmen

December 10, 2019

Vladimir Putin met with human rights ombudsmen from the Russian regions. The conversation between the President and regional human rights commissioners took place after the meeting of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights.

Tags: human rights, regions

Report on law enforcement monitoring in Russia in 2018

November 26, 2019

A report on law enforcement monitoring in Russia in 2018 has been prepared and is being published in accordance with Presidential Executive Order No. 657 of May 20, 2011, On Monitoring Enforcement of Laws in Practice in the Russian Federation.

Tags: fight against crime, human rights

Law ratifying Russian-Namibian treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters

November 12, 2019

Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law On the Ratification of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Namibia on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Cases.

Tags: court, fight against crime, foreign policy, human rights, Namibia

Meetings on methodological support and efforts to improve the work of regional pardons commissions

September 1, 2019

From April 24 to September 1, 2019, Russia’s federal districts held meetings on methodological support and efforts to improve the work of regional pardons commissions.

Tags: human rights, regions

Meeting with Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova

June 10, 2019

Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova presented to the President her annual report on human rights. In particular, certain problems with receiving Russian citizenship, assistance to housing equity holders and families who took out a currency mortgage, and current issues with the criminal procedure legislation were discussed. In addition, the ombudswoman reported to the President on the case of journalist Ivan Golunov.

Tags: human rights

Law On Ratification of Second Additional Protocol to European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters

June 7, 2019

Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law On the Ratification of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.

Tags: fight against crime, foreign policy, human rights

Law ratifying the Treaty between Russia and the DPRK on the Extradition of Persons Sentenced to Imprisonment

March 6, 2019

Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law On the Ratification of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on the Extradition of Persons Sentenced to Imprisonment.

Tags: foreign policy, human rights, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Reception marking the 25th anniversary of the Constitution

December 12, 2018

Vladimir Putin attended a reception at the Kremlin to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Russian Federation Constitution.

Tags: human rights

Meeting of the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights

December 11, 2018

The President held a meeting of the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights.

Tags: human rights

Condolences on passing of Lyudmila Alekseyeva

December 8, 2018

Vladimir Putin sent his deepest condolences to the family and friends of Lyudmila Alekseyeva on her passing away.

Tags: human rights

Line-up of the Council for Civil Society and Human Rights approved

December 3, 2018

Vladimir Putin signed an executive order Approving the Line-Up of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights.

Tags: human rights

Report on results of monitoring 2017 Russian law enforcement practice published

November 2, 2018

The report on the results of monitoring 2017 law enforcement practice in Russia was written in execution of Presidential Executive Order No. 657 of May 20, 2011, On Monitoring Law Enforcement Practice in the Russian Federation.

Tags: fight against crime, human rights

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