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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Meeting with Promsvyazbank CEO Pyotr Fradkov

January 6, 2023

Promsvyazbank CEO Pyotr Fradkov reported to the President on the bank’s operation, including in the new constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Tags: Armed Forces, banks, regions, support for business

Amendments to legislation prohibiting the transfer of funds to foreign banks under writs of execution

December 29, 2022

Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law On Amendments to the Federal Law On Enforcement Proceedings.

Tags: banks, economy and finance

The package of measures to support the stability of the Russian economy under the sanctions pressure has been extended

December 19, 2022

The President signed Federal Law On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Suspending Certain Provisions of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, construction industry, economy and finance, labour market, universities

Instructions following meeting with Government members

December 6, 2022

The President approved a list of instructions issued following a meeting with Government members held on November 3, 2022.

Tags: banks, budget, economy and finance, investment, regions, support for business

Executive Order on application of certain Presidential executive orders

October 15, 2022

The President signed the Executive Order On the Application of Certain Executive Orders of the President of the Russian Federation.

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, economy and finance

Meeting on economic issues

September 12, 2022

Vladimir Putin held a videoconference meeting on economic issues.

Tags: banks, budget, construction industry, economy and finance, industry, inflation, labour market, taxes

Executive Order on special procedure for execution of certain kinds of transactions between certain individuals

September 8, 2022

The President signed the Executive Order On a Special Procedure for the Execution (Implementation) of Specific Kinds of Transactions between Certain Individuals.

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, economy and finance

Instructions following Council for Strategic Development and National Projects meeting

September 1, 2022

The President endorsed a list of instructions in a follow up to the meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects on July 18, 2022.

Tags: banks, budget, economy and finance, healthcare, industry, school, science and innovation, support for business, telecommunications, tourism, universities

Meeting with VEB.RF State Development Corporation Chairman Igor Shuvalov

August 23, 2022

Chairman of the State Development Corporation VEB.RF Igor Shuvalov informed the President about the priority areas of the bank’s operations amidst the external sanction pressure.

Tags: banks, budget, economy and finance, investment

Executive Order on provisional procedures for the fulfillment of foreign-currency bank account contracts and bonded obligations issued by foreign organisations

August 8, 2022

The President of Russia signed an executive order On Provisional Procedures for the Fulfillment of Contracts of Foreign-Currency Bank Accounts (Deposits), and Bonded Obligations Issued by Foreign Organisations.

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, economy and finance

Amendments to executive order on special economic measures in connection with hostile actions by US in league with other states and executive order on additional measures to ensure stability in foreign exchange regulation

June 9, 2022

The President signed the Executive Order On Amendments to Presidential Executive Order No. 79 of February 28, 2022, OnImposing Special Economic Measures in Connection with the Hostile Actions of the United States in League with Other Foreign States and International Organisations, and Presidential Executive Order No. 126 of March 18, 2022, On Additional Provisional Economic Measures to Ensure Financial Stability of the Russian Federation in Foreign Exchange Regulation.

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, economy and finance, foreign policy, national security

Meeting on economic issues

June 7, 2022

The President held a regular meeting on economic issues via videoconference.

Tags: agriculture, anti-sanctions, banks, budget, construction industry, economy and finance, industry, inflation, labour market, social services, support for business

Executive Order on temporary procedure for meeting obligations to certain right holders

May 27, 2022

The President signed Executive Order On the Temporary Procedure for Meeting Obligations to Certain Right Holders.

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, import replacement, telecommunications

Executive Order on a provisional procedure for meeting financial obligations in corporate relations to certain foreign creditors

May 4, 2022

The President signed an Executive Order On a Provisional Procedure for Meeting Financial Obligations in Corporate Relations to Certain Foreign Creditors.

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, economy and finance, foreign policy, national security

Legal regulation of economic, environmental and other relations under external sanction pressure

March 26, 2022

The President signed the Federal Law On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, economy and finance, environment, special economic zones

Executive Order on additional provisional measures to ensure financial stability in foreign exchange regulation

March 18, 2022

The President signed Executive Order On Additional Provisional Economic Measures to Ensure Financial Stability of the Russian Federation In Foreign Exchange Regulation.

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, economy and finance

Legislative amendments to ensure Russia’s financial stability in connection with hostile moves by foreign states and international organisations

March 14, 2022

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Amendments to Articles 6 and 7 of the Federal Law On Amendments to the Federal Law On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the Bank of Russia) and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Concerning the Modification of a Loan Agreement or a Credit Contract, and Article 21 of the Federal Law On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, economy and finance

Law on the fourth stage of voluntary declaration of property, financial assets and bank accounts (deposits)

March 9, 2022

The President signed Federal Law On Amendments to Federal Law On Voluntary Declaration by Individuals of Assets and Accounts (Deposits) in Banks and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, economy and finance

Law to mitigate risks of Russian capital being restricted in foreign countries

March 9, 2022

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Amendments to Article 761 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Tags: anti-sanctions, banks, economy and finance, fight against crime

Meeting with Promsvyazbank CEO Pyotr Fradkov

December 20, 2021

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Promsvyazbank CEO Pyotr Fradkov.

Tags: Armed Forces, banks, industry, support for business

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