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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Amendments to the law on foreign investment into economic entities of strategic importance for the country’s defence and national security

April 28, 2023

The President signed the Federal Law On Amendments to the Federal Law On Foreign Investment in Economic Entities of Strategic Importance for the Country’s Defence and National Security.

Tags: industry, investment, national security

Meeting on the development of unmanned aircraft

April 28, 2023

The President held a videoconference meeting on the development of unmanned aircraft.

Tags: industry, transport

Presentation of organisations working in the unmanned aerial systems sector

April 27, 2023

Vladimir Putin met with representatives of manufacturers and operators of unmanned aerial systems at the Rudnyovo industrial park.

Tags: industry

Visit to Rudnevo Industrial Park

April 27, 2023

Vladimir Putin visited Rudnevo, a new industrial park, which is part of the Technopolis Moscow special economic zone.

Tags: industry, regions, Moscow

Meeting with President of the Russian Association of Fertiliser Producers (RAFP) Andrei Guryev

April 27, 2023

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with President of the Russian Association of Fertiliser Producers Andrei Guryev.

Tags: industry

Greetings on the opening of INNOPROM. Central Asia International Industrial Fair

April 25, 2023

Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to participants and guests of the INNOPROM. Central Asia International Industrial Fair.

Tags: foreign policy, industry

Meeting with Pskov Region Governor Mikhail Vedernikov

April 18, 2023

Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with Pskov Region Governor Mikhail Vedernikov. The Governor informed the President about the region’s socio-economic development.

Tags: agriculture, healthcare, industry, regions, transport, Pskov Region

Meeting with Primorye Territory Governor Oleg Kozhemyako

April 10, 2023

Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with Primorye Territory Governor Oleg Kozhemyako. The Governor reported to the President on the current socioeconomic situation.

Tags: construction industry, economy and finance, industry, regions, social services, Primorye Territory

State Council Presidium meeting

April 4, 2023

The President held a videoconference meeting of the State Council Presidium on the development of the Russian industry in conditions of sanctions pressure.

Tags: anti-sanctions, import replacement, industry, regions, Tula Region

Visit to Tulazheldormash plant

April 4, 2023

Vladimir Putin visited the Tulazheldormash railway engineering plant, where he toured the plant’s assembly, preassembly and welding unit shops. Next, the President talked to Tulazheldormash workers.

Tags: industry, regions, transport, Tula Region

Instructions following meeting with Government members

March 25, 2023

The President approved a list of instructions following the meeting with Government members held on February 15, 2023.

Tags: budget, industry, taxes

Meeting of State Council Commission on Science

March 24, 2023

Aide to the President and Secretary of the State Council Igor Levitin and Novosibirsk Region Governor Andrei Travnikov co-chaired a meeting of the State Council Commission on Science.

Tags: industry, regions, science and innovation

Meeting with permanent members of Security Council

March 24, 2023

The President chaired, via videoconference, a briefing session with permanent members of the Security Council.

Tags: foreign policy, industry, national security

Instructions following meeting on timber industry development

March 22, 2023

The President has approved a list of instructions following the meeting on the development of Russia's timber industry, which took place on February 10, 2023.

Tags: industry

Visit to Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant

March 14, 2023

During his working trip to the Republic of Buryatia, the President learned about the activities of the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, visited the unit assembly and final assembly shops and inspected the finished products.

Tags: industry, regions, transport, Republic of Buryatia

Meeting with Kurgan Region Governor Vadim Shumkov

March 6, 2023

Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with Governor of the Kurgan Region Vadim Shumkov, via videoconference. The governor reported to the President on the region's socio-economic development.

Tags: Armed Forces, construction industry, economy and finance, healthcare, housing, industry, investment, regions, school, social services, transport, Kurgan Region

Meeting of State Council Commission on Energy

March 1, 2023

Presidential Aide and State Council Secretary Igor Levitin and Kemerovo Region–Kuzbass Governor Sergei Tsivilev co-chaired a videoconference meeting of the State Council Commission on Energy.

Tags: energy, industry

Meeting with Sakhalin Region Governor Valery Limarenko

February 27, 2023

Vladimir Putin held a videoconference working meeting with Sakhalin Region Governor Valery Limarenko during which the Governor briefed the President on the region’s development.

Tags: Armed Forces, budget, construction industry, healthcare, industry, regions, social services, transport, Sakhalin Region

Gazprom's 30th anniversary

February 17, 2023

Vladimir Putin took part, via videoconference, in an event marking Gazprom's 30th anniversary.

Tags: energy, foreign policy, industry, social services

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