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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Instructions following a meeting of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights

December 2, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed a list of instructions drafted following a meeting of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights on October 14, 2014.

Tags: human rights, regions

Law on legal regulation of media in Crimea and Sevastopol

December 2, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law On Specificities of Legal Regulation of Relations in the Media following the Accession of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the Formation of Two New Federal Constituent Entities in the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol.

Tags: media, regions, Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol

Law on taxation procedures in the free economic zone in Crimea and Sevastopol signed

December 1, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Amendments to Part One and Part Two of the Russian Federation Tax Code following the Adoption of the Federal Law On Development of the Crimean Federal District and the Free Economic Zone on the Territory of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Importance Sevastopol.

Tags: regions, taxes, transport

Amendments to laws following the adoption of a law establishing a free economic zone in Crimea and Sevastopol

December 1, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation following the Adoption of the Federal Law On Development of the Crimean Federal District and the Free Economic Zone on the Territory of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Importance Sevastopol.

Tags: regions, Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol

Law establishing a free economic zone in Crimea and Sevastopol

December 1, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Development of the Crimean Federal District and the Free Economic Zone on the Territory of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Importance Sevastopol.

Tags: regions, Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol

Working meeting with Head of Mari El Leonid Markelov

November 27, 2014

Mr Markelov briefed the President on the socioeconomic situation in the region.

Tags: regions, Republic of Mari El

Working meeting with Governor of Novgorod Region Sergei Mitin

November 26, 2014

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Governor of Novgorod Region Sergei Mitin. The socioeconomic situation in the region was the subject of discussion.

Tags: regions, social services, Novgorod Region

List of instructions following meeting with Government members

November 22, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed a list of instructions following a meeting with Government members held on October 29, 2014.

Tags: economy and finance, industry, regions, social services, transport, Kaliningrad Region

Russian Popular Front’s Action Forum

November 18, 2014

Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the Russian Popular Front Action Forum.

Tags: economy and finance, foreign policy, import replacement, investment, public control, regions, social services

Working meeting with Governor of Kostroma Region Sergei Sitnikov

November 17, 2014

Mr Sitnikov briefed Vladimir Putin on the region’s socioeconomic situation. In particular, they discussed measures implemented in the region to improve its investment climate.

Tags: regions, Kostroma Region

Visit to Primorye Oceanarium

November 13, 2014

Vladimir Putin visited the Primorye Oceanarium that the Far East Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences is building on Russky Island.

Tags: regions, science and innovation, Primorye Territory

Instructions following a meeting on developing ports in the Azov and Black Sea region

November 12, 2014

Vladimir Putin signed a list of instructions following a meeting on developing ports in the Azov and Black Sea region, which was held on September 23, 2014.

Tags: regions, transport, Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol

Working meeting with Primorye Territory Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky

November 12, 2014

Mr Miklushevsky briefed Vladimir Putin on the socioeconomic situation in the region and discussed with the President programmes underway in the healthcare sector, housing construction, sports, and the situation in the fisheries industry.

Tags: regions, Primorye Territory

Working meeting with Governor of Saratov Region Valery Radayev

November 5, 2014

The Governor of Saratov Region briefed the President on the socioeconomic situation in the region.

Tags: regions, Saratov Region

Working meeting with Governor of Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev

October 30, 2014

Mr Tuleyev briefed Vladimir Putin on the socioeconomic situation in the region, including the coal sector’s development and implementation of a programme to resettle people out of dilapidated housing.

Tags: energy, regions, Kemerovo Region – Kuzbass

Meeting with Government members

October 29, 2014

Vladimir Putin met with Government members to discuss socioeconomic development in Kaliningrad Region. The housing and utilities sector, developing the Arctic and improving Russia’s investment climate were also discussed.

Tags: economy and finance, environment, housing and utilities, regions, Kaliningrad Region

Working meeting with Governor of Belgorod Region Yevgeny Savchenko

October 28, 2014

Mr Savchenko briefed Vladimir Putin on the socioeconomic situation in the region.

Tags: regions, Belgorod Region

Working meeting with Governor of Kamchatka Territory Vladimir Ilyukhin

October 27, 2014

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Governor of Kamchatka Territory Vladimir Ilyukhin. The region’s socioeconomic situation, development of the fishing and mining sectors, its main industries and housing construction were the main issues discussed.

Tags: economy and finance, industry, regions, social services, Kamchatka Territory

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