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Official website of the President of Russia

social services

Publications by topic:

Presidential instructions following meeting with winners of 2010 Russian Teacher of the Year contest

October 14, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev approved a list of instructions following a meeting with teachers who won the 2010 Russian Teacher of the Year contest.

Tags: social services

Meeting on relief and rebuilding work following wildfires

October 13, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev held a videoconference meeting on the reconstruction of housing and social infrastructure in regions affected by forest fires. The meeting also addressed social support for people.

Tags: regions, social services

Meeting with Kostroma Region Governor Igor Slyunyayev

October 5, 2010

The region's socioeconomic development and the situation in the food and employment markets were discussed.

Tags: regions, social services, Kostroma Region

Meeting on senior citizen’s social and economic situation

September 24, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting on senior citizen’s social and economic situation.

Tags: healthcare, medicines, pensions, social services, Kursk Region

Working meeting with Healthcare and Social Development Minister Tatyana Golikova

September 20, 2010

Improving pensioners’ living standards and protecting senior citizens’ rights have to become action priorities for the state authorities, Dmitry Medvedev stressed at a meeting with Healthcare and Social Development Minister Tatyana Golikova.

Tags: disabled individuals, healthcare, medicines, regions, social services

Working meeting with Murmansk Region Governor Dmitry Dmitriyenko

September 16, 2010

On September 15, 2010 Dmitry Medvedev had a working meeting with Murmansk Region Governor Dmitry Dmitriyenko to discuss the pricing policy for staple foods in the region.

Tags: agriculture, regions, social services, Murmansk Region

Working meeting with Governor of Yaroslavl Region Sergei Vakhrukov

September 10, 2010

Mr Vakhrukov briefed the President on preparations for the Global Policy Forum The Modern State: Standards of Democracy and Criteria of Efficiency, and the celebrations of 1,000 years since Yaroslavl’s founding.

Tags: housing, labour market, regions, social services, Yaroslavl Region

Dmitry Medvedev is being kept regularly informed on the situation with wildfires in Volgograd and Saratov Regions

September 2, 2010

The President spoke by telephone with the heads of the affected regions and Emergency Situations Minister Sergei Shoigu. Mr Shoigu briefed the President on the firefighting and relief efforts.

Tags: national security, regions, social services, Volgograd Region, Saratov Region

Trip to Orenburg Region

September 1, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev visited a dairy plant, an agricultural producer Agrofirma Promyshlennaya and the Gvozdika garden settlement, and had a working meeting with Governor of Orenburg Region Yury Berg.

Tags: economy and finance, regions, social services, Orenburg Region

Presidential instruction following fire in a nursing home for elderly in Vyshny Volochok

August 30, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev was briefed on a tragic fire that broke out at a nursing home for elderly in Vyshny Volochok, Tver Region.

Tags: national security, regions, social services, Tver Region

Presidential instructions following meeting of the Council for the Development of the Information Society in Russia

August 25, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev approved a list of instructions following a meeting of the Presidential Council for the Development of the Information Society in Russia on July 8, 2010.

Tags: culture, healthcare, information society, school, social services

Meeting with Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller

August 23, 2010

Mr Miller briefed the President on a progress in connecting Kamchatka Territory to the gas supply network and a number of social programmes that Gazprom is carrying out.

Tags: regions, social services, Kamchatka Territory

Working meeting with President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov

August 17, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev and Ramzan Kadyrov discussed plans for the republic's social development and the situation in agriculture, focusing in particular on mine clearance in the region.

Tags: regions, social services, Chechen Republic

Telephone conversation with President of Daghestan Magomedsalam Magomedov

August 5, 2010

Daghestan’s President briefed Dmitry Medvedev on the situation in the republic’s mountainous districts, where several settlements have suffered following serious fires in the area.

Tags: national security, social services, Republic of Daghestan

Amendments to the law regarding the use of maternity capital funds

July 29, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev signed Federal Law On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and on a Lump-Sum Payment out of the Family (Maternity Capital) Grant Funds.

Tags: children, social services

Law on redistribution of responsibilites for setting housing and utilities tariffs

July 29, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev signed Federal Law On Amendments to the Housing Code and Cerain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.

Tags: housing and utilities, social services

Amendments to state regulation procedures in coal mining

July 26, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev signed Federal Law to regulate safe operation of mining activities when mining coal and oil shale.

Tags: national security, social services

Meeting of the Presidential Council for the Development of the Information Society in Russia

July 8, 2010

At the meeting of the Presidential Council for the Development of the Information Society in Russia dedicated to assessing interim results and prospects of employing information and communication technologies, Dmitry Medvedev noted that their development and implementation have special relevance in a country like Russia, given its enormous distances.

Tags: culture, healthcare, information society, school, social services, universities

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