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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Instructions following a meeting with Government members

October 10, 2020

The President approved a list of instructions following the meeting with Government members held on September 9, 2020.

Tags: industry, information society, social services, tourism

Meeting of the State Council working group on tourism, physical fitness and sport

August 18, 2020

Aide to the President and State Council Secretary Igor Levitin and Primorye Territory Governor Oleg Kozhemyako chaired a meeting, via videoconference, of the State Council working group on tourism, physical fitness and sport.

Tags: tourism

Law on electronic single entry visas to Russia

July 31, 2020

Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law On Amendments to the Federal Law On the Procedure for Exiting and Entering the Russian Federation and Revocation of Certain Legislative Actsof the Russian Federation.

Tags: tourism

Meeting with Head of Aeroflot Vitaly Savelyev

July 6, 2020

The President held a working meeting with General Director of Aeroflot – Russian Airlines Vitaly Savelyev.

Tags: regions, tourism, transport

Vladimir Putin is to make working trip to Tver Region on July 2

July 1, 2019

On July 2, Vladimir Putin will speak at the plenary session of the Rivers of Russia National Tourist Forum held annually since 2016.

Tags: regions, tourism, Tver Region

Meeting with Acting Governor of St Petersburg Alexander Beglov

April 10, 2019

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Acting Governor of St Petersburg Alexander Beglov. The discussion focused on topical issues of the city’s development.

Tags: environment, regions, social services, tourism, transport, Saint Petersburg

Instructions following Government meeting on March 20, 2019

April 8, 2019

The President approved a list of instructions following a Government meeting held on March 20, 2019.

Tags: healthcare, regions, social services, tourism, transport, Sevastopol, Republic of Crimea

Instructions following meeting with Government members

February 28, 2019

The President approved a list of instructions following the meeting with Government members held on January 30, 2019.

Tags: tourism

Instructions issued following Business Russia forum

February 23, 2019

The President approved a list of instructions following the All-Russian public organisation Business Russia forum held on February 6, 2019.

Tags: support for business, tourism

Instructions following ASI Supervisory Board meeting

January 30, 2019

The President has approved a list of instructions produced following the January 15, 2019, meeting of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous non-profit organisation Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects.

Tags: environment, information society, social services, tourism

Meeting with Government members

January 30, 2019

Vladimir Putin had a meeting with Government members at the Kremlin.

Tags: economy and finance, healthcare, regions, tourism

Meeting with Tver Region Governor Igor Rudenya

December 4, 2018

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Tver Region Governor Igor Rudenya to discuss digital television in the region, socioeconomic matters and the tourism industry prospects.

Tags: budget, regions, telecommunications, tourism, Tver Region

Russia-Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation Forum

November 9, 2018

Vladimir Putin attended the 15th Russia-Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation Forum focusing on new approaches and trends in the development of tourism in Russia and Kazakhstan.

Tags: tourism, Kazakhstan

The President arrived in Petropavlovsk for Russia-Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation Forum

November 9, 2018

Vladimir Putin has arrived in Petropavlovsk, where he will attend the 15th Russia-Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation Forum.

Tags: regions, tourism, Kazakhstan

Working meeting with Acting Governor of Samara Region Dmitry Azarov

September 5, 2018

Acting Governor of the Samara Region Dmitry Azarov briefed Vladimir Putin on the socioeconomic situation in the region.

Tags: economy and finance, regions, social services, tourism, Samara Region

Law on expanding e-visa programme in Far East

July 19, 2018

The President signed the Federal Law On Amending Individual Legal Acts of the Russian Federation Pertaining to Easier E-Visa Procedures for Foreign Citizens on the Territory of Russian Federation State Border Airport Checkpoints Located in the Far Eastern Federal District.

Tags: regions, tourism

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