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Official website of the President of Russia

state decorations

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Executive order on the honorary title of Honoured Inventor of the Russian Federation

October 24, 2012

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On Establishing the Honorary Title of Honoured Inventor of the Russian Federation.

Tags: science and innovation, state decorations

Presenting state decorations

September 20, 2012

Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Ivanov presented state decorations to scientists, representatives of NGOs and charity funds, and workers in science, culture and the arts.

Tags: state decorations

Meeting with London Paralympic champions and medallists

September 11, 2012

Vladimir Putin met at the Kremlin with members of the Russian Paralympic team – champions and medallists at the London Paralympics.

Tags: sport, state decorations

Ceremony for presenting state decorations to the silver and bronze medallists of 2012 Paralympic Games in London

September 11, 2012

Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Ivanov presented state decorations to Russian athletes who won silver and bronze medals at the 2012 Paralympic Games in London.

Tags: sport, state decorations

State decorations award ceremony took place at the Kremlin

August 29, 2012

Vladimir Putin presented state decorations to outstanding Russian citizens, including pilots and cosmonauts, military servicemen, scientists, cultural figures, and skilled labour representatives.

Tags: state decorations

Meeting with London Olympic champions and medallists

August 15, 2012

Vladimir Putin received champions and medallists at the London Olympic Games at the Kremlin.

Tags: sport, state decorations

Pyotr Ostapenko from Krymsk awarded the Order of Courage

August 9, 2012

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order awarding the Order of Courage to Krymsk resident Pyotr Ostapenko (posthumously).

Tags: state decorations

Pyotr Veliky missile cruiser decorated with the Order of Nakhimov

July 30, 2012

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order decorating the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Veliky with the Order of Nakhimov.

Tags: Armed Forces, state decorations

Ruslan Nalgiyev awarded the title Hero of Russia

June 17, 2012

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order awarding Ruslan Nalgiyev the title Hero of Russia.

Tags: state decorations, Republic of Ingushetia

Ceremony decorating the 393rd Air Force base with the Order of Kutuzov

June 14, 2012

Vladimir Putin presented the Order of Kutuzov to the 393rd Air Force base.

Tags: Armed Forces, state decorations, Krasnodar Territory

Ceremony awarding the Order of Parental Glory to parents of large families

June 2, 2012

Vladimir Putin presented in the Kremlin the Order of Parental Glory to parents of large families raising between 7 and 13 children. The families come from eight Russia regions: Volgograd, Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod and Sverdlovsk regions, Trans-Baikal and Khabarovsk territories and republics of Ingushetia and Komi.

Tags: children, demographics, state decorations, Republic of Ingushetia, Komi Republic, Trans-Baikal Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Volgograd Region, Kaluga Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Sverdlovsk Region

Russian state decorations have been awarded in the Kremlin

May 3, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev presented state decorations to outstanding Russians.

Tags: state decorations

Executive Order on awarding the Order of St Catherine the Great Martyr and the distinction For a Good Deed

May 3, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev signed Executive Order On Awarding State Decorations of the Russian Federation.

Tags: state decorations

Executive Order establishing the Order of St Catherine the Great Martyr and the Distinction For a Good Deed

May 3, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev established the Order of St Catherine the Great Martyr and the distinction For a Good Deed in order to further improve the state award system of the Russian Federation.

Tags: state decorations

Order on decorating foreign veterans of World War II with the Ushakov Medal

April 27, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev signed Executive Order On Awarding the Ushakov Medal to Citizens of Australia, New Zealand, and the United States of America.

Tags: foreign policy, state decorations

Major Sergei Solnechnikov has been awarded the title of Hero of Russia

April 3, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev signed Executive Order On Awarding the Title of Hero of Russia to Major Sergei Solnechnikov.

Tags: state decorations

Congratulations to novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez

March 6, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev congratulated Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez on his 85th birthday.

Tags: culture, state decorations, Colombia

Presenting state decorations

February 22, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev presented state decorations to 37 Russian citizens in a ceremony in the Kremlin’s Catherine Hall.

Tags: state decorations

Presenting state decorations to officers of the 626 Missile Regiment

February 21, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev presented state decorations to officers of the 626 Missile Regiment for achievements in strengthening national defence and professional excellence.

Tags: Armed Forces, state decorations, Saratov Region

Presenting Russian state decorations to foreign citizens

February 17, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev presented Russian Federation state decorations to eleven foreign citizens in recognition of their great contribution to developing cooperation and strengthening cultural ties with Russia. 

Tags: state decorations

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