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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Greetings to participants in the Silk Road 2013 Motor Rally

July 5, 2013

Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to participants in the Silk Road 2013 Motor Rally

Tags: sport, transport

Meeting on developing the Moscow aviation hub

July 3, 2013

Vladimir Putin held a meeting in the Kremlin on developing the Moscow aviation hub.

Tags: regions, transport

Meeting on developing the United Aircraft Corporation

July 2, 2013

Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the current state and development prospects of the United Aircraft Corporation.

Tags: transport

Agreement Establishing an Integrated Transport and Logistics Company has been signed

June 20, 2013

The Agreement Establishing an Integrated Transport and Logistics Company was signed at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum in Vladimir Putin’s presence.

Tags: foreign policy, transport, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Greetings to the congress of the Transport Workers’ Union of Russia

June 19, 2013

Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to the congress of the Transport Workers’ Union of Russia.

Tags: transport

Instructions following meeting on prospects for using gas as fuel

June 15, 2013

Vladimir Putin signed a list of instructions following a May 14, 2013 meeting on broadening the use of gas as motor fuel.

Tags: transport

Meeting on developing high-speed railways

May 27, 2013

Vladimir Putin held a meeting on developing high-speed railways in Russia.

Tags: transport

Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting on developing high-speed railways

May 26, 2013

On May 27, Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting on developing high-speed railways in Russia.

Tags: transport

Meeting on prospects for gas engine fuel

May 14, 2013

The issues discussed included promoting the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel in Russia and measures for the development of natural gas cars.

Tags: transport

Law ratifying agreement on organising air defence operations in CIS countries in the event of aircraft hijackings

April 8, 2013

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Ratification of the Agreement on Organising Air Defence Operations in the Commonwealth of Independent States Member Countries in the Event of Aircraft Hijackings.

Tags: CIS, fight against terrorism, transport

Working meeting with Russian Railways CEO Vladimir Yakunin

April 5, 2013

Mr Yakunin briefed Vladimir Putin on the freight traffic situation and the company’s plans to cut operating costs in response to the global economic downturn.

Tags: transport

Aeroflot Russian Airlines 90th anniversary

March 18, 2013

Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Ivanov participated in a gala event honouring the 90th anniversary of Aeroflot Russian Airlines. Mr Ivanov congratulated the company’s current and former employees on this anniversary.

Tags: transport

Working meeting with Governor of Chukotka Autonomous Area Roman Kopin

March 11, 2013

Mr Kopin briefed the President on the socioeconomic situation in Chukotka.

Tags: regions, transport, Chukotka Autonomous Area

Law ratifying the agreement on transport inspections on the Customs Union’s external borders

March 4, 2013

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Ratification of the Agreement on Transport (Road Vehicle) Inspections on the External Borders of the Customs Union.

Tags: customs, transport

Meeting with CEO of A.P. Moller-Maersk Group Nils Andersen

February 27, 2013

Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Ivanov met with CEO of Danish transport company A.P. Moller-Maersk Group Nils Andersen.

Tags: transport, Denmark

Draft law on ratifying the Agreement on organising air defence operations in the CIS countries in the event of aircraft hijackings

February 11, 2013

Vladimir Putin sent to the State Duma for ratification the Agreement on Organising Air Defence Operations in the Commonwealth of Independent States Member Countries in the Event of Aircraft Hijackings.

Tags: CIS, fight against terrorism, transport

Working meeting with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin

January 28, 2013

Social sector issues, including healthcare modernisation, public sector pay rises, and developing Moscow’s transport infrastructure, were the main subjects of discussion.

Tags: healthcare, regions, school, transport, Moscow

Executive Order on executive bodies responsible for security in the areas of artificial islands, installations and structures

January 15, 2013

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On the Federal Executive Bodies Responsible for Determining the Measures to Ensure the Safety of Navigation in the Security Areas Established Around Artificial Islands, Installations and Structures on the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation, as well as Measures to Ensure the Safety of Such Artificial Islands, Installations and Structures.

Tags: energy, transport

Naming ceremony for Vitus Bering icebreaker

January 10, 2013

Vladimir Putin took part in the naming ceremony for the Vitus Bering lead icebreaking platform supply vessel.

Tags: regions, transport, Saint Petersburg

Launch of the second stage of the Eastern Siberia–Pacific Ocean pipeline

December 25, 2012

Vladimir Putin took part via video linkup in the launch ceremony of the second stage of the Eastern Siberia–Pacific Ocean pipeline and the opening of the Kuznetsovsky Tunnel railway stretch.

Tags: energy, transport

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