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Official website of the President of Russia


Publications by topic:

Working meeting with Alexander Khloponin

November 27, 2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District Alexander Khloponin reported to Vladimir Putin on the implementation of the North Caucasus development programme.

Tags: demographics, regions, social services

Working meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets

October 16, 2012

The discussion addressed progress in implementing the healthcare modernisation programme, as well as reforming the pension system.

Tags: demographics, healthcare, pensions

Order on Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy

September 3, 2012

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On the Presidential Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy.

Tags: demographics, Priority National Projects

Meeting on implementing presidential executive orders on social policy

July 11, 2012

Vladimir Putin held a meeting on implementing social policy measures set out in presidential executive orders, in particular, public-sector wage rises, state support for big families, and the education system’s development.

Tags: demographics, professional training, science and innovation, social services

Ceremony awarding the Order of Parental Glory to parents of large families

June 2, 2012

Vladimir Putin presented in the Kremlin the Order of Parental Glory to parents of large families raising between 7 and 13 children. The families come from eight Russia regions: Volgograd, Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod and Sverdlovsk regions, Trans-Baikal and Khabarovsk territories and republics of Ingushetia and Komi.

Tags: children, demographics, state decorations, Republic of Ingushetia, Komi Republic, Trans-Baikal Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Volgograd Region, Kaluga Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Sverdlovsk Region

Executive order on measures to implement demographic policy

May 7, 2012

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On Measures to Implement the Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation.

Tags: demographics, May 2012 Executive Orders

Working meeting with Governor of Kaluga Region Anatoly Artamonov

February 24, 2012

Mr Artamonov briefed Dmitry Medvedev on support programmes for families with many children and development of pre-school education facilities in the region.

Tags: children, demographics, regions, social services, Kaluga Region

Meeting on the implementation of presidential instructions

February 16, 2012

Dmitry Medvedev was briefed on progress made in implementing presidential instructions, in particular with regard to providing housing to the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) veterans, increasing the efficiency of utilities services, boosting the birth rate and rendering support for families with many children.

Tags: demographics, housing, housing and utilities, regions

Trip to Karelia

November 24, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev visited the Petrozavodsk Palace of Creativity for Children and Teenagers, where he had a meeting with professionals working in preschool education and at children's cultural institutions, and librarians.

Tags: children, culture, demographics, regions, social services, Republic of Karelia

Meeting on implementation of presidential instructions

July 6, 2011

The meeting, which took place in videoconference format, discussed the state of progress in implementing presidential instructions, including on renovating and developing the network of pre-school establishments, provision of land for large families, introducing a regional maternity capital in order to support young families, and establishing presidential cadet corps in all federal districts by 2014.

Tags: children, demographics, regions, social services

Presentation of the Order of Parental Glory to parents of large families

June 1, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev presented the Order of Parental Glory to parents of large families of 6–13 children at a ceremony at the Grand Kremlin Palace coinciding with International Children’s Day.

Tags: children, demographics, state decorations, Karachayevo-Circassian Republic, Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Orenburg Region, Smolensk Region, Tyumen Region, Saint Petersburg

Working meeting with Kostroma Region Governor Igor Slyunyayev

May 13, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev discussed current issues of the region’s development with the governor.

Tags: demographics, healthcare, regions, social services

On implementation of Presidential instruction on first stage measures of the Russian Federation’s demographic policy

March 29, 2011

Following a meeting of the Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy on January 19, 2010, the Prime Minister, presidential plenipotentiaries to the Federal Districts and heads of Russia’s constituent entities were instructed to ensure that the first stage of measures to implement Russia’s demographic policy through to 2025 was delivered in 2010.

Tags: demographics, healthcare, Priority National Projects

Meeting on economic issues

January 28, 2011

The two main issues on the agenda were improving the investment climate and raising the quality of state regulation of the economy.

Tags: children, demographics, economy and finance, social services

Meeting with leadership of the Federal Assembly

January 17, 2011

Dmitry Medvedev met with speakers of the two chambers of the Federal Assembly, their deputies and heads of key committees in the Council of Federation and State Duma. This meeting format is to become regular.

Tags: children, culture, demographics, interethnic relations

Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

November 30, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev outlined his views on the main issues of the nation’s economic development, its social sphere, national political system, national security and defence.

Tags: children, civil service, demographics, economy and finance, fight against crime, foreign policy, housing and utilities

Greetings to Education in Europe for the Harmonious Development of Students international symposium

October 12, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev sent his greetings to participants and guests of the Education in Europe for the Harmonious Development of Students international symposium, which is being held in Moscow.

Tags: children, demographics, healthcare, Russia–European Union, universities

Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy to be transformed into a Commission

September 28, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev signed Executive Order On the Presidential Commission for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy.

Tags: demographics, Priority National Projects

Presidential instructions following meeting of the Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy

August 13, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev approved a list of instructions to the Government and senior executive bodies of power following a July 29 meeting of the Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy.

Tags: demographics, Priority National Projects, science and innovation

Meeting on customs and migration issues in border regions

July 3, 2010

President Medvedev pointed out that requirements for crossing the border for individuals and companies must not become more stringent as the Customs Union enters into force.

Tags: customs, Customs Union, demographics, migration, Amur Region

Integration with the Asia-Pacific region countries offers great economic potential for developing Russia’s Far East

July 2, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting in Khabarovsk on the Far East’s socioeconomic development and cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region countries.

Tags: APEC, demographics, economy and finance, regions, special economic zones, Khabarovsk Territory

Videoconference with Governor of Pskov Region Andrei Turchak

May 5, 2010

Dmitry Medvedev held a working meeting via videoconference with Governor of Pskov Region Andrei Turchak.

Tags: demographics, regions, Pskov Region

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